Left/Right Brain Test


Well-Known Member

LOL... that's because there is NOTHING about it related to your brain. There is an algorithm behind the scenes programmed to change the direction of the dancer. It's not a simplistic one either... you can't just count rotations... other things are being taken into account in the algorithm. If I paid attention to it long enough I could probably figure it out (or at least come close).... it's just been a long day and I don't have it in me today. Maybe later :)
I disagree. What I noticed is that if I focused on the the lower half of her body it appears that she's turning clockwise. If I focused on the upper half she appeared to be turning counter-clockwise. So, just to be sure I tried it with my scrolling wheel mouse such that one quick roll in either direction will display 1/2 of the body. No matter how fast (or slow) I scroll up/down/up/down the rotation changes with the roll of the wheel. Optical illusion?...maybe. Brain function (related to the optical illusion)?.... maybe. Algorithm changing direction of the dancer.....no.


Well-Known Member
I've been with messing with this since last night. No, I don't have a life...
I now can make her move in both directions. If it were and illusion I don't think I could do that, could I?


Well-Known Member
I've been with messing with this since last night. No, I don't have a life...
I now can make her move in both directions. If it were and illusion I don't think I could do that, could I?
LOL...no life huh? You mean except for growing. :blsmoke:

Anyway...you're not "making her" do anything regardless of how much you stare. It's all in how you perceive it which makes it an illusion.


Well-Known Member

LOL... that's because there is NOTHING about it related to your brain. There is an algorithm behind the scenes programmed to change the direction of the dancer. It's not a simplistic one either... you can't just count rotations... other things are being taken into account in the algorithm. If I paid attention to it long enough I could probably figure it out (or at least come close).... it's just been a long day and I don't have it in me today. Maybe later :)
funny shit :lol:

ehm its spinning constantly the same, you can make it change by thinkin really hard, the moment where you can get it to change is when the foot is closest to you and shes just a line.

trust me... no algorithm


Well-Known Member
Yeah you are right about the life thingy!

So, this is a perception?
Is there any truth to the right and left side of the brain usage?


Well-Known Member
If you think about it your entire existence & experience on this planet is based on illusions & perception of them.


Well-Known Member
I think the body is always moving clockwise, but the foot that is down is always moving counter clockwise. that could be what makes the illusion work? not sure if I'm entirely right there.