Led Users Unite!

Well you might be right about that. I flowered 2 plants in a 2x4 room with 1. Got good results about 85% of the yeild I got from 2 plants in my HPS room. Mind you I have 12 plants under 2000watts in that room. I'm no expert as well, just telling you what I've seen and done. I'm currently blasting 4 rhinos in a 5x5 room which is smaller then the suggested foot print. I think a lot of these company's make crazy claims. These lights have done what they claim so far. Any thoughts?
Anyone have any experience with Supergrow LED? New company, very well built product, nice website. I have 1 so far but am thinking of getting 3 more. Nice to have individual lights because you can fuck with your arrangement


Well-Known Member
$229 for ~25w. These floodlights are deemed the "HPS killer".

Super Grow LED Facts

  • Full spectrum LED grow light – blue 420nm right through to 750nm deep red
  • Seed to flowering with the same light
  • Big yields of well over 1.0 gram per Watt
  • No heat problems
  • Save $1,000′s – in electricity
  • Save $1,000′s – no ballasts, bulbs, exhaust systems
  • Save space – LEDs sit right over your plants
  • 5th generation custom-made LEDs in our proprietary frequency blend
  • Rock solid construction and IP65 rated
  • Up to 50 crops on one Super Grow LED
  • High percentage of repeat buyers. Professionals building grow rooms of 30 lights and more
  • 3 year warranty
  • Fanatical support
"It is our mission to turn around the negativities towards LED grow lights by addressing the problems plaguing this technology and the solid-state grow light market."

LEDs are in our blood, all we do is spend time making the Super Grow LED the best on the market.
California growers are recognized as master BIG yield producers and the pros are buying the Super Grow LED. They save cash, save space, eliminate heat problems and get BIGGER yields. As our clients say ‘it really is a no brainer’."

:bigjoint:Seems legit... They even measure the footprint in lumens, how it ought to be!

EDIT: I can't seem to find what type of LEDs are used, would you be able to tell me, D.A.R.E?


Well-Known Member
Well, maybe a little. I don't mean to be the beacon of that stench, but I want anyone who reads this to know: those SuperGrow LEDs are more than likely another shoddy attempt at a high-quality LED light.

I'll be the first one to throw my hands up and say I'm wrong, if indeed that becomes the case. There are too many who haven't done the research, but that doesn't mean they need to start growing by getting ripped off.


Well-Known Member
Well, maybe a little. I don't mean to be the beacon of that stench, but I want anyone who reads this to know: those SuperGrow LEDs are more than likely another shoddy attempt at a high-quality LED light.

I'll be the first one to throw my hands up and say I'm wrong, if indeed that becomes the case. There are too many who haven't done the research, but that doesn't mean they need to start growing by getting ripped off.
forget a little......they ARE a rip off, fucking rebranded led floodlight for an astronomical mark up.
any led grow light company that does not state what led/bin #/manufacturer they use == low quality leds/embarrassed by they're greed if they say/have no idea and are just reselling the shit out of room; AKA their "R&D"lab.....
Well, maybe a little. I don't mean to be the beacon of that stench, but I want anyone who reads this to know: those SuperGrow LEDs are more than likely another shoddy attempt at a high-quality LED light.
I hear you both... I have a VERY SMALL set-up; I was given a 2'x2' E+F as a present and rather than go with a 600W HPS or something, I decided I'd try out some of these (relatively cheap) LEDs instead. Might upgrade to something more serious, with a HPS, someday... And if these suck, I will sooner. This shit's getting addictive, quickly, and I don't even have a product yet.

I agree; most LEDs look and are shitty. Even Blackstar, Alien, Hydrogrow all look like something I could have built. All the panel LEDs, etc blah blah blah, there's a bunch of garbage out there. And that's all I've seen on RIU...people with (successful and unsuccessful) LED grows with shitty looking lights. Maybe not in light output, necessarily, but stuff that you look at it and think "that doesn't look professional or durable at all..." I haven't seen any Supergrow LED

I gotta tell you though, the SGL-5 is a beautiful light. It's clearly well made and well designed -- pretty much what you see on the website. They're small, less than 5lbs and with a really solid mount, very similar to stage lights or w/e. I could easily throw 3 of these over my tiny plot, just mount right to a PVC "T" bar or somethin'. But yea, they feel like the Brookstone/William Sonoma LED of grow light LED lights -- well made, extremely functional, completely black and solid enclosing. Now if they actually perform....we'll see.

Seedlings are happy thus far. Duh.

For power, these things will cost me about $1.75/month each...they say 8 units = 1000W HPS, and 1000W HPS would be about $77.22/month for me, so...

Right now, just have 1 and 2 CFLs (20W, 65W), will get another SGL-5 presumably soon, and more from there? We'll see.

forget a little......they ARE a rip off, fucking rebranded led floodlight for an astronomical mark up.
any led grow light company that does not state what led/bin #/manufacturer they use == low quality leds/embarrassed by they're greed if they say/have no idea and are just reselling the shit out of room; AKA their "R&D"lab.....
Time will tell...good thing they're cheap as fuck


Well-Known Member
Psuagro is mostly correct.

They are not particularly efficient. (far worse than a HPS)
Right from the specs on the web site....... (BTU's produced VS HPS, per watt)
The price is not so good!!
But.....the spectrum from the pic looks promising.

I don't know if it's because somebody actually knows what he is doing, or just dumb luck or the pic is not as it seems.

If it was < $50.00 I'd get one to try.
Could be a good source of parts to make something else, like remote phosphor.


Please get one, take it apart, take lots of pics.
Play show and tell........
Maybe we can figure out who made it and .......


Well-Known Member
Another thing I forgot to add:

When a led grow light company says my favorite line: "I cannot give specific details on the leds we use(bin#/manufacturer/NOT NM is what I ask) because we have spent a long time RESEARCHING and PERFECTING our UNIQUE spectrum and don't want others copying it".........lol means the same shit===JUNK

they know damn well with google pics you can check the validity of their claims of high quality leds........Also why would Hans led/ area 51/ plant photonics/rhinogrow/california lightworks/Fero/illumitex == tell you the exact info(bin#/manufacturer) the others wont because they use REAL QUALITY leds and are proud of it......

BTW I ran out of weed.............sorry for the rant:P


Active Member
Dare u r getting a lot of good info! But it's up to u to take it... I have 2 blackstar 240's over a 4x2 space... My blackstars kick ASS in that space and that's FACT with one hitter sour diesel to back it up!! I wish u lived around the corner cause I'd love for you to taste for yourself. One thing for sure, these guys are giving REALLY good advice and from experience!! Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
I like tenthirtys idea, let us find who makes those flood reflectors and slap some RP instead of glass on there...

I feel you PSU. I might as well be out of weed, I found dander, spidermites, dirt and even other plant matter in my weed. It aches, not having a connection!
gentlemen plz..... why havent you stockpiled bubble hash for the lean times? you may all come over and partake while we are waiting on the crops, research, dis-assembly, info, etc to come in. :D


Well-Known Member
Bored again, so why don't I show(off:)), our friend PSUAGRO how us commoners grow some Black Widow with LED panels that aren't hand-made by small virgin blue-eyed Swiss girls. Oh and for you folks at home, I can't grow any tall plants, hence I tend to super crop/LST and grow them on their sides if you will.

whole - Copy.jpg Cola1 - Copy.jpg Cola2 - Copy.jpg Close - Copy.jpg Tent - Copy.jpg

Not bad for my first Widow, eh P. She's about 8 weeks in flower and figure she's got a week or two to go, Had to pick a clump of nanners off her yesterday though :(. Probably my fault from fuckin around in the tent after lights out :wall:. Only vegged her a couple of weeks and didn't push her too much. Wasn't temperamental at all though I had some heat problems as you can see. Lovin MNS genetics, thanks for turning me onto them PSU.


Well-Known Member
Bored again, so why don't I show(off:)), our friend PSUAGRO how us commoners grow some Black Widow with LED panels that aren't hand-made by small virgin blue-eyed Swiss girls. Oh and for you folks at home, I can't grow any tall plants, hence I tend to super crop/LST and grow them on their sides if you will.

Not bad for my first Widow, eh P. She's about 8 weeks in flower and figure she's got a week or two to go, Had to pick a clump of nanners off her yesterday though :(. Probably my fault from fuckin around in the tent after lights out :wall:. Only vegged her a couple of weeks and didn't push her too much. Wasn't temperamental at all though I had some heat problems as you can see. Lovin MNS genetics, thanks for turning me onto them PSU.

Dammmnnn fran Jan that is what one plump looking bitch! Not bad for your first Widow at all!! I actually really like the structure of those plants no wasting energy on tiny nugs :D I can't wait to try some lsting or even a large sog setup....alas I'm still working on finding a new location and until I do I'm stuck in the sidelines :(. Havnt checked the competition thread in a while so I'm heading over now :). Cheers and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Bored again, so why don't I show(off:)), our friend PSUAGRO how us commoners grow some Black Widow with LED panels that aren't hand-made by small virgin blue-eyed Swiss girls. Oh and for you folks at home, I can't grow any tall plants, hence I tend to super crop/LST and grow them on their sides if you will.

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Not bad for my first Widow, eh P. She's about 8 weeks in flower and figure she's got a week or two to go, Had to pick a clump of nanners off her yesterday though :(. Probably my fault from fuckin around in the tent after lights out :wall:. Only vegged her a couple of weeks and didn't push her too much. Wasn't temperamental at all though I had some heat problems as you can see. Lovin MNS genetics, thanks for turning me onto them PSU.
Lookling great bruv... :-D