leaves have white and brown spots. Pics.


Active Member
my plants are about 2 weeks old and their leaves have shown two problems. I am using a 400w MH and 150w HPS for veging. the 400w is three feet from the plants and the 150W is 2.5. I am feeding them with BMO super plant tonic at 1/3 power. the room is at a constant 79 F. but there is not much air circulation. also the lights are on 24/7. what could be causing my plants leaves to have these white spots and also the brown dead spots?



Well-Known Member
That looks like thrip or spider mite damage, or some other bug possibly. Look at that leaf very closely, with magnification if you can, to see if you see any tiny little brown/black bugs slowly crawling around. The bugs should be mostly on the undersides of the leaves that have white spots on them. Check your plants very carefully for these bugs and post back whether you could find any or not. If you have spider mites, it is very important to get rid of them as soon as you can and while your plants are still small.

Also what's up with your soil in that last pic, it looks like you just poured a little stream of water around the plant. Is that what you did or am I just seeing shadows here? :p

If you are just adding a little bit of water every day or every other day that is not good for your plants. When you water make sure you thoroughly soak all the soil until it starts coming out the drainholes in the bottom of your pots. Then don't water the plants again until the top 2 inches of soil is completely dry. You should also be able to feel the weight difference between a dry plant that needs water (light) and a heavy one that has just been watered.


Active Member
i looked at the bottom of the leaves with a magnifying glass and i didn't see any bugs. I might of just not been thorough enough. I have some fox farms don't bug me so ive decided to spray the plants with that. if there are any bugs it should kill them including spider mites. Ive also seen some huge ant looking bugs in my grow room. they seem to be 1 cm in length so i dont think they are ants. do you have any idea what is causing those brown spots in picture three? as for the watering i do water my soil thoroughly its just that i have a half gal water can and my water source is separate from my grow room. I took these pictures while i was in the process of watering my plants. I usually water my plants every three days. thank you for your advice.


Well-Known Member
they are tiny bro dont feed them at all its like chucking a chicken roast down a babys mouth haha , but seriously no food until there big enuff even if at 1/4 strength.have u sprayed them under the lights at all ? i would say spider mite damage.


Well-Known Member
Would an insecticide soap help with his problem? I may or may not have the same issue ;)