Leaves are Yellowing and Droopy, some curling too! Help!!


So I've got these clones for 2 1/2 weeks now and they were yellowing a tiny bit when I got them. They have continued to yellow and have started to droop! They are under 2 600W MH lights about 24 inches away, 18/6 cycle. I have a hydro setup. Temps are 80-85, pH at 5-6, and humidity at 30-35. I am using 1/4 nutes and changing the reservoir every 5-6 days. They are being watered 4-5 times for 12mins each night.

Just a couple of days ago, my boyfriend didn't add enough water to the reservoir and that resulted in the plants not getting enough water for a day or two. Also, he didn't check the pH, and it was below 4 when I checked. Now I have added more water and adjusted the pH, but that didn't seem to do them any good. I am now flushing them out with water to see if it was nute burn, but it also doesn't seem to be helping them. They were already yellowing before this incident.

Also, I have spotted some flies flying around near the plants in the last couple of days. They are very small and dark, barely visible to the eye. I don't know if it could be a bug infestation or not. And I have noticed that some black mold/algae has grown on top of the rockwool on one of my plants. Surprisingly, that plant is looking the most healthy of them all!

I have some pics posted, so please help me with my babies! I don't know what to do to get them to look better.



New Member
well looking at them pics i would just use water looks like there getting burnt so get your ph in order and maintain it stop the nutes an observe its not just going to fix it self over night most of them leafs will eventually die off now anyways look at your new growth and work with that


Well-Known Member
it looks like they were underfed 1/4 str and now they have ph issues. Try to keep it at 5.8


Well-Known Member
Well it looks like your boyfriend fucked up your grow pretty good.

Flush and get your ph in balance and hope for the best. But in all honesty, that looks like a major setback.


Thanks guys. I am using just plain water with pH around 6 for a few days and will see how that goes. But they were already droopy and a little bit yellow before the underwatering/pH incident. Am I doing anything wrong with my setup?


Active Member
Having 2 600w MH sounds like too much at this stage to me. Also, I would lower temps out of the 80's.
Do you have a way to do a peroxide flush if necessary?


I wanted a 1000W MH, but bf wanted the 2 600W MH. I can't lower the temps unless I buy an AC unit or something. We already have the doors and windows open with a fan blowing directly between the plants and light. Also, the lights have a fan blowing on the bulbs. Can you suggest a way to lower the temp? I can do a peroxide flush if it's necessary.


Well-Known Member
how much roots have the dropped?what type of nutrients are u using by the way?i hope its atleast a 2 part solution the says ph balanced on the product.1part solutions for even soil will fk your grow, hydro and youll kill your plants.i would do wat your doing now just run plane water for a week or 2.


how much roots have the dropped?what type of nutrients are u using by the way?i hope its atleast a 2 part solution the says ph balanced on the product.1part solutions for even soil will fk your grow, hydro and youll kill your plants.i would do wat your doing now just run plane water for a week or 2.
Roots are doing fine, i think. I am using Cutting edge 3 part, plus the plant amp and uncle john's. I just read that plant amp causes the pH to have a false low reading... so maybe they now have nute deficiency...