Learning how to Roll???


Active Member
I am pretty sure I am breaching etiquette here but I have limited computer/msg board posting skills and am new so, if I need a verbal spank...goa head. (sic)

I have the term "learning How To Roll" under my user name.

How does that change? What are the guidelines for this?

That's it. Easy question.


Well-Known Member
I have never seen a list but you will notice your title change frequently at first and then drop off over time.

And if you become a paid member I think you can change it to whatever you want.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Think it then goes to "Able to roll a joint", "Marijuana Toker", "420 time - stoner" then "420 time - Mr Ganja" I've just within the last few posts turned into "Teaching how to roll - Mr Ganja"...Probably at the 1200 posts mark. I think it has to do with Rep as well...