Leaf Spotting 4.5 Weeks Into Flowering

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Keep your eye on that 32 day flowering PPP. The yellowing like that I've seen in my own garden before:

Let's just say that things got real bad, real fast. This photo comes from an album named "Epic_Failure_Grow"

Temperature and High PPM's did my plants to death. I thought it was a mag problem, so I just kept pumping them full of magnesium. All it did was raise the ppm's in the media.

So if you see that one plant heading the wrong direction with burning and necrosis then flush the shit out of her.

Hard to say for sure now, but she's looking for something. Sulfur, Magnesium, Nitrogen, Potassium... I can't tell... Just keep an eye on her and maybe she'll show that there's nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Keep your eye on that 32 day flowering PPP. The yellowing like that I've seen in my own garden before:
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Let's just say that things got real bad, real fast. This photo comes from an album named "Epic_Failure_Grow"

Temperature and High PPM's did my plants to death. I thought it was a mag problem, so I just kept pumping them full of magnesium. All it did was raise the ppm's in the media.

So if you see that one plant heading the wrong direction with burning and necrosis then flush the shit out of her.

Hard to say for sure now, but she's looking for something. Sulfur, Magnesium, Nitrogen, Potassium... I can't tell... Just keep an eye on her and maybe she'll show that there's nothing to worry about.
LOL thanks for freakin' me out! The odd thing about that picture is I didn't even notice any yellowing while I was working with the plant. Sometimes my plants have more of a yellow hue from the HPS lighting. I didn't notice any yellowing under the white lights I work under when managing my plants either but the flash picked up the yellowing for sure. Under white light it looks like its in near perfect health. I just pulled her out and looked her over again and its difficult to see much under normal lighting. Snap another pic of it and there's the yellowing again.

My PPP always tend to have more of a "pale" appearance to them for some reason. Side by side with the WW getting the same feedings the WW is a much deeper green.

I'm watching all of them with hawkeyes right now while I'm still working out the kinks in my TDS. Based on my feedings the plant is getting everything in the correct PH range EXCEPT sulfur. I'm going to back off the cal mag a bit, top the soil with some lime and administer epsom salts to add sulfur and mag then see what happens. I really like the cal mag because it provides a nice boost of several different nutrients but it does boost my PPMs.

When you say you started pumping it full of mag, how were you administering it?



Well-Known Member
Just about time to chop, I cut the top half of one plant down today, probably a bit early but I'm under major time constraints due to work next week. Here is a pic of one of the PPP plants and a bud I took off the other one tonight. I'm not overly excited about the results, strongly considering going back to organics and continue doing my homework. I'd like to flower them smaller for sure though.



Well-Known Member
That shit is going to tighten up a lot in curing, I can tell. It looks really dank dude, I think you are going to love it more and more every day. By the yellowing of the leaves it doesn't look like you chopped it too early, but that could have been from all the nutrient stress it had. However you decide to grow next, make sure it's simple and you have excellent light penetration. You could always try ditching the hood and dangle your bulb vertically. Then you wouldn't have to lollipop them either.


Well-Known Member
Seems like you have tried a lot of things and never beaten that dreaded yellow leaf and spotting. None of the plants look great but they seem to have a lot of potential. I really think that for the size of plant you should have yielded a lot more and bigger buds. I would like to go out on a ledge and suggest over watering, i grow in soil and similar sized pots and plants and used to see this when i kepth the soil too mist for too long, use to check top couple of inches but soil at the bottom of the pot was always wet. I cured similar problems by not overwatering and cultivating the soil. I don't use nutrients in a similar grow which is like yours until half way through flowering and found that my biobizz nute chart was way of due to nutrients already in the soil. Takes a while for plants to use up all that soil nutrient, i repot at the start of flowering and dont fertilize for 5/6 weeks in the same size pots as yours. Anyway as i said its only a wild guess, maybe wait till plant wilts from underwatering and water then, the wilting leaves from underwatering will correct themselves and straighten out in under an hour and thats a good way to know when a plant has needed to be watered.


Well-Known Member
That shit is going to tighten up a lot in curing, I can tell. It looks really dank dude, I think you are going to love it more and more every day. By the yellowing of the leaves it doesn't look like you chopped it too early, but that could have been from all the nutrient stress it had. However you decide to grow next, make sure it's simple and you have excellent light penetration. You could always try ditching the hood and dangle your bulb vertically. Then you wouldn't have to lollipop them either.
Thanks Jozi, the nug pic is from the weaker of the 2 plants ready for harvest. The one in the pic is pretty ripe but I can't chop it until tomorrow. The next 2 coming up I am pretty excited about. Another PPP bush and the WW. Both of them are crushing food and need water every 3 days. I can feel them binding up in their containers, going bigger next grow.

Seems like you have tried a lot of things and never beaten that dreaded yellow leaf and spotting. None of the plants look great but they seem to have a lot of potential. I really think that for the size of plant you should have yielded a lot more and bigger buds. I would like to go out on a ledge and suggest over watering, i grow in soil and similar sized pots and plants and used to see this when i kepth the soil too mist for too long, use to check top couple of inches but soil at the bottom of the pot was always wet. I cured similar problems by not overwatering and cultivating the soil. I don't use nutrients in a similar grow which is like yours until half way through flowering and found that my biobizz nute chart was way of due to nutrients already in the soil. Takes a while for plants to use up all that soil nutrient, i repot at the start of flowering and dont fertilize for 5/6 weeks in the same size pots as yours. Anyway as i said its only a wild guess, maybe wait till plant wilts from underwatering and water then, the wilting leaves from underwatering will correct themselves and straighten out in under an hour and thats a good way to know when a plant has needed to be watered.
Well I'm hoping I have it figured out lol. I'm just going to administer cal mag from weeks 1-3 for flowering, depending on my runoffs. If I don't feed cal mag they become calcium deficient like clockwork. I'm cutting FFOF with perlite and adding lime for calcium, so there are less organics in the soil. One thing I don't like is that cal mag boosts my ppms a fair amount, but it seems like I can't go without this stuff. I must say that I am guilty of over watering from time to time because of time constraints but for the most part they are being well wicked before they're given water. And when I water I water them well.

Thanks for the comments guys always open for more advice.


Well-Known Member
Well i'm sure from the pics that overwatering is part of your problem. Those ppms seem a bit high for me and my soil. My tapwater is already 400ppms so i feed little but often. I prefer lower ppms in soil and a 1000ppm is scary too me! If you overwater the damage can be bad and take a long time for the plant to recover giving you more chance of overwatering again. I am sure that you are suffering a small overwatering problem with most plants but thats just my opinion, this will make fertilizing etc etc even harder which is why you are not having much luck curing it with the ferts. Cal mag is overated in my soil too, i may see it in veg if the plants are still in small pots but not really in flower, my soil must have plenty of cal mag and my tap water too. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you using? Lack of calcium and magnesium is the root of my problem and it seems FFOF is famous for it. I always hope that the lime amendments will help but they don't seem to.

The latest pics are of the ripe PPP which has been flushed and flooded.


Well-Known Member
I used westlands and west plus, i live in the u.k. and this soil took me a while to get use too. Most deficiencies i see in flowering are nitrogen after a few weeks which prompts me to start fertilizing. The soil as most others do seems to have plenty of lime to start with and i asked the company years ago if they used lime to rule out pH problems and they said yes they do and quite a bit. Before this i use to add lime to the soil but read how it was best to incorporate it into the soil a good month or so before planting anything in it to give it time to start working, this was fine garden lime stuff. My fertilizer from bio bizz also containd plenty of calcium and magnesium as with a lot of other fertilizers and so dose my tap water, i really do not need and never have needed cal mag or even just calcium or magnesium on their own. When i tought i did need it and added it to the soil it just mede my plant worse so i soon discontinued ever using it. I have mistaken a lot of other deficiencies, pest attacks and other problems as cal mag but was wrong to add it every time. Maybe your soil, water and ferts are deficient in cal/mag but i have no problems and find the whole cal mag issue and diagnosis misleading. Plant needs more P and K in flowering than cal mag so check the quantities you add of all these nute. If you really need cal/mag or even any of the micro and macro nutrients an easy organic quick solution for me seems to be seaweed or somthing like maxicrop, cheap and effective, some hate it but then again i think that they didnt need it in the first place so it didnt help them for their situation. I can buy mineral waters with a good cal/mag ppm too so have used this as well in the past when watering. Good luck and let me know how the cal/mag goes.


Well-Known Member
I used westlands and west plus, i live in the u.k. and this soil took me a while to get use too. Most deficiencies i see in flowering are nitrogen after a few weeks which prompts me to start fertilizing. The soil as most others do seems to have plenty of lime to start with and i asked the company years ago if they used lime to rule out pH problems and they said yes they do and quite a bit. Before this i use to add lime to the soil but read how it was best to incorporate it into the soil a good month or so before planting anything in it to give it time to start working, this was fine garden lime stuff. My fertilizer from bio bizz also containd plenty of calcium and magnesium as with a lot of other fertilizers and so dose my tap water, i really do not need and never have needed cal mag or even just calcium or magnesium on their own. When i tought i did need it and added it to the soil it just mede my plant worse so i soon discontinued ever using it. I have mistaken a lot of other deficiencies, pest attacks and other problems as cal mag but was wrong to add it every time. Maybe your soil, water and ferts are deficient in cal/mag but i have no problems and find the whole cal mag issue and diagnosis misleading. Plant needs more P and K in flowering than cal mag so check the quantities you add of all these nute. If you really need cal/mag or even any of the micro and macro nutrients an easy organic quick solution for me seems to be seaweed or somthing like maxicrop, cheap and effective, some hate it but then again i think that they didnt need it in the first place so it didnt help them for their situation. I can buy mineral waters with a good cal/mag ppm too so have used this as well in the past when watering. Good luck and let me know how the cal/mag goes.
The root of my problem is most definitely FFOF. The last bag is gone and I can say I'm definitely done with it for good. Going to give Happy Frog another try, had great success with it in the past. Either that or some local compost with a few additional amendments.

The ratio is exactly what I become concerned with. I feed with cal mag and I end up boosting my ppm's more than I'd like which mean's I have to reduce my macro feeding more than perhaps I'd like to. Organic cal mag is something I think is a good idea to look into. Thanks Kingrow!


Well-Known Member
So where is all the nug porn dude? Don't tease me.

And my ultimate solution for soil deficiencies: Go soiless and fertilize the crap out of them. I've found it easiest to grow when I am in control of what the girls eat. Sunshine Mix #4 (normal and advanced mix) is available in any country that's worth a shit. And that is my favorite at the moment. But CANNA, and BioBizz make some good ones.

As far as Fox Farm soil goes, Happy Frog is by far my favorite. More beneficial life than fertilizer, and the beneficial life is what we usually pay out the ass for in a fertilizer, so it prevents that. I just buy mixes with this shit in it now, buying stuff like Great White or Mykos just kills my wallet.


Well-Known Member
So where is all the nug porn dude? Don't tease me.

And my ultimate solution for soil deficiencies: Go soiless and fertilize the crap out of them. I've found it easiest to grow when I am in control of what the girls eat. Sunshine Mix #4 (normal and advanced mix) is available in any country that's worth a shit. And that is my favorite at the moment. But CANNA, and BioBizz make some good ones.

As far as Fox Farm soil goes, Happy Frog is by far my favorite. More beneficial life than fertilizer, and the beneficial life is what we usually pay out the ass for in a fertilizer, so it prevents that. I just buy mixes with this shit in it now, buying stuff like Great White or Mykos just kills my wallet.
Straight neutral medium is the way I was leaning until this grow but I think I would miss leaning on the organics if I left them. I will get you some prOn soon, a few of them are drying up, I jarred some last night but I think it was a bit early, probby put them back in the dryer today. Trying a dryer for the first time and so far, I like!


A couple nugs from the tops of the first plant. Looks like about 1.5-2 oz from PPP1, PPP2 should yield over 2 and PPP3 should yield over 3, she benefited from the extra 10 days of veg. I've learned that my timing on when to flower makes a big difference. I don't want to flower to small and I don't want to flower too big. I did some major pruning on my vegging plants which are fucking huge now, goddamn bushes. Pruned the piss out of them and I will prune some more next time I water but I think they will flower quite well :D

I've used the mykos and the azos but its just another PITA to work with. I'm trying to make it more basic. Although I do like to garden, I just don't have much time for it (my work is seasonal). I think that's why organics appeal to me, set it and forget it to a degree type of mentality.

PPP1 Drying.jpg


Well-Known Member
Post them here dude so i can see, i am starting to have my bottom leaves look a bit phosphorous deficient and thought i'd add some extra magnesium/epsom salts to see if it helped along with some biobizz bloom. I should take pics in next few days if not to lazy and post them here, the leaves going yellow but the veins staying green, looks a classic nute deficiency to me. Will keep you posted and post pics soon.


Well-Known Member
Post them here dude so i can see, i am starting to have my bottom leaves look a bit phosphorous deficient and thought i'd add some extra magnesium/epsom salts to see if it helped along with some biobizz bloom. I should take pics in next few days if not to lazy and post them here, the leaves going yellow but the veins staying green, looks a classic nute deficiency to me. Will keep you posted and post pics soon.
Post the pics of my buds? They have about a week to go before I chop another PPP and White Widow. Started curing the ones I chopped about a week ago. Smoked a joint of it on Wednesday and it got us baked 3 x. Shit is dank as fawk, probably the best I've grown yet. It was weird though, definitely the smallest buds I've done.... It didn't seem as messy when I trimmed it either compared to past harvests but the tips were dense as hell. After trying it out I'm def not worried anymore lol. Can't carry roaches of it that's for sure, it will contaminate the air within a 10 foot radius ahahah.

My vegging Sannies' seeds are coming along nicely. I will have lots of variety in my pipeline and hoping to get this perpetual grow going soon.

AK47, Bubblegum, Big Bud, Northern Lights, Shackzilla, Killing Fields, El Monstre, Hericules, Ice, PPP, Crystal, Super Silver Haze, White Widow, Top 44, Pineapple Express and some shit called Sonic, looks like its an auto.


Well-Known Member
The leaves seem to be quite yellow!
They're currently being flushed for harvest, perfectly normal. Nothing but epsom salts for the last two feedings and my ppm runoffs are around 400, they want food but NO SOUP FOR YOU! ahahah. I added a bit of lime to the soil to keep the calcium up for the time being also.

I'm guessing about 7-10 days left. They could go right now but I think I would be going early. They'll be quite brown by the time I chop them down.


Well-Known Member
The leaves seem to be quite yellow!
You're right, I think I flushed them a bit early, more yellow than they should be. I don't normally flush and I must say I don't know think I can tell a difference although they're not cured properly yet.