Leaf Damage - Cause? Bug?


I found a excellent Garden Shop in downtown Eugene which is like going back to the 70's when you walk in the store! It is a converted Warehouse from the turn of the century and has excellent feel about it when you go in. Dave was my savior! Hooked me up with Neem Oil and helped with getting my plants back! I have posted a few pictures of them. Now I can go to Cabo for a few days! Thanks everyone for the info!



Well-Known Member
Glad you could find it.

All those ladies you posted are looking great! Let me know if you need help sexing them...lol
Good luck and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Sorry I was distrated by the last pic, i have a couple pointers for you....
First lose the foil, it reflects heat not light. The white wall that is behind it is alot better.
Second, lower your lights within a inch or two from the tops. It will keep them from streching.

Sorry i would have said that in my last post but i was busy trying to come up with something clever to say about that smokin hot pic!


[COLOR="RoyalBlue"These pictures are mine! I have had 11 shoots (some nudes too) all over the World and have had a great time! I grow for my brother (Gordon) who is fighting cancer. He is really sensitive to chemicals and he has gotten a few bags that had high levels of chemicals. I told Gordon that I would grow him Organically and so far, I think I am doing good! My name is Rosie and I grew up in the UK then moved to US (Oregon) in 2006[/SIZE]/COLOR]



Well-Known Member
Its nice to meet you Rosie. Its a good thing you are doing for your brother. I am using organic nutes as well, but in hydro. If you ever get tired of dirt you should check out DWC. Its very easy. I cant help with alot of dirt questions but if you have any questions just ask.

Rosie you are one smokin hot chick, and you grow too! If you ever come to texas for a photo shot let me know Ill bring you some fine herb. And that second pic is cropped a lil too much:wink:


Well-Known Member
You can display boobies here! They have a thread called tasteful nudes and some of them arent very tasteful in my opinon.


Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness, YES!

I do love a nice pair of boobies! In that aspect yes we(men) are all the same. I tell people I have Nippledar...I dont care how far away you are or how old you are, if your nipples are poking out, Im gonna look. Your right, dont be bashful, god gave you a beautiful thing and you should share it with the world! And Thank You for doing so! This has made my day just that much better! See, what a nice pair can do! Its a grand day! LOL


Well-Known Member
This thread is going to blow the F-up as soon as the guys find out there are boobies in here! lOl

By all means post more pics to prove him wrong;)


Awwww... Chuck... Chuck... Chuck... You're the typical guy who reins everything for everyone else kinda guy... I'll tell you what, I will pose nude with my plants and I want you to post yourself on youtube walking naked through a busy store "or" a picture of you, nude with your plants, fingering your ass... Deal? I know who I am but I don't know who invited you to our party! Dirtless and I where having and "adult moment", you wouldn't understand... Let us know Chuckers!