Late flower max yield!?!


What is everyones views on lighting time during the last 2 weeks of flowering to increase the final yield?

I have heard about alot of people changing there cycle to 14/10-13/11 left being on time. then ive been searching this question and seen alot of people increasing dark time instead:o

I thought id try 13/11 starting tomorow 13 on 11 off WOULD ANYONE THATS TRIED IT DO IT DIFFERENTLY?

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
i would like to know this 2

i was told on my last grow to leave 2 days in darkness before choping as this would allow the pant to pull its last bit of energy from leaves for a last wee grow of thc before chop i done this and as you can see from my pic the buds were amazing .

i could have this all wrong tho so hope a expert can tell us lol