Ladies forum?????

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Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I DID not mean to say that YOU got your wish, BUT just that your wish is being LOOKED at by the proper authorities...

sorry for the misleading message...



New Member
I'lllllll keep 'em OUT!!!!!!!!

wa haaaaaaaaaa:twisted:

just kidding!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace: I was kinda hoping that perhaps there could be a female moderator. :roll:

Not me though. I'd reeally suck at it. :-?

Maybe chiceh or Kp????

This is exciting!!!
But how do we keep out the "mean boys"?
You know they will still try to antagonize us.

Thanks girl, for putting forth the effort.
Can't wait to see how it turns out. :)


New Member
Yes ok gardenknowm. I just re-read it again.
Sorry but I still can be excited about it.

And I am. :clap::clap::clap:
I DID not mean to say that YOU got your wish, BUT just that your wish is being LOOKED at by the proper authorities...

sorry for the misleading message...



Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Ha ha, I am no mod, lol. :mrgreen:

I'lllllll keep 'em OUT!!!!!!!!

wa haaaaaaaaaa:twisted:

just kidding!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace: I was kinda hoping that perhaps there could be a female moderator. :roll:

Not me though. I'd reeally suck at it. :-?

Maybe chiceh or Kp????


New Member
Here rocket girl.
It will just be an extra forum incase we wanna shoot the ****!!!

We are still gonna go inot the other sides about general marijuana, toke 'n talk etc etc but we will have a place to go in case we are getting hasseled as well. So we can chill.

Maybe it won't fly be it's worth a try.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Where would it be at?


Well-Known Member
I only thought by this website being about marijuana, it would also be laid back,so we really shouldn't be getting a lot of descrimination.



New Member
No pizip! you wouldn't think so and most of the guys are really cool BUT go check out the 'chick status' thread.:evil:
I only thought by this website being about marijuana, it would also be laid back,so we really shouldn't be getting a lot of descrimination.



Well-Known Member
oh crap...that's not right. I read all the way to just the 3rd page and it didn't look very sweet or understanding.


New Member
No that was when it was all cool. I made the thread for fun. And most people knew it was for fun BUT....well never mind.

I'm movvvvving on!!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Basically it turned real ugly and had to be closed down. :cry:

So I am really hoping we get some place where us ladies can go to chill and chat if we so choose.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Don't cha think????:-|
oh crap...that's not right. I read all the way to just the 3rd page and it didn't look very sweet or understanding.


Too many brownies
No that was when it was all cool. I made the thread for fun. And most people knew it was for fun BUT....well never mind.

I'm movvvvving on!!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Basically it turned real ugly and had to be closed down. :cry:

So I am really hoping we get some place where us ladies can go to chill and chat if we so choose.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Don't cha think????:-|

I think you girls deserve it guys can be crazy hahaha :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
Lacy, thanks for asking for a thread just for us. A topic for the ladies - does smoking weed makes you feel bolder? I am trying to buy a car and I have been doing my negotiating high, and I have been able to get those sales"men" to come off of the price by almost $1000.00! I would not have had the "balls" to do it if I was straight. Anyone else have big successes when they were high?


New Member
Lacy, thanks for asking for a thread just for us. A topic for the ladies - does smoking weed makes you feel bolder? I am trying to buy a car and I have been doing my negotiating high, and I have been able to get those sales"men" to come off of the price by almost $1000.00! I would not have had the "balls" to do it if I was straight. Anyone else have big successes when they were high?
I can eat more tacos than anyone else when I am high....:blsmoke::roll:


Well-Known Member
there should be a girls thread. who the fuck cares. but there will allways be people that are mad at something.
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