KonaGirl420 1st Grow All By Myself


Well-Known Member
I am the same way. Besides, most girls are irritating. lol
I am pretty much down to earth, matter of fact. Except the part of me that is crazy! lol

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
I spy, with my little eye- aaaaaaa-FUMBLE! lol sorry haven't slept, half bonkers- just saying hi to you and Kona-dearest... You're both my estrogen-based friends- hehe
I'm all excited because my aero thingies almos done- I had it spraying just a few minutes ago- :)


Well-Known Member
Hello there you Trichy Bastaad. I'm with you on the sleep depo. I think I got maybe 3 hours last night.
It's hella exciting when everything is so close to the finish line. Hard to be patient though.


Well-Known Member
Yes I am now a Cali Girl lol, been a long long time in the making............I am currently chilling and loving my cali weed chilling with my buddy I have know for like 16 years and his wonderful wife!!! she is so awesome!!!!

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
Hello there you Trichy Bastaad. I'm with you on the sleep depo. I think I got maybe 3 hours last night.
It's hella exciting when everything is so close to the finish line. Hard to be patient though.
Cool, maybe you can come over and not sleep with me- muahahahha


Well-Known Member
For sure and the stupid guy from the island called me last night and tried to get me to come see him lol, I imformed him I was done with all of his bullshit and girls popping out of bushes and he acted like he did not know anything was wrong and he never would hurt me hahahaha I informed him I had already left the damn island and was not gonna be returning, he got aall upset acting like he cared , then I just asked him why he had not called or tried to come smoke with me in 2 weeks then hahahaha nyeah right fucker you really care about me.......duces I am gone..........................