KonaCali's SoCal Muliti Strain Grow - Let's Keep it Poppin' Boys ;)

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Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
lol what a noob your supposed to do it with your door open camera in one hand blunt in the other drifting the on ramp with your knees ;) pshhhhhhhh 110 pussy shit lol fuckin take that shit like a man balls to the motha fuckin wall flat the fuck out against the limiter. ;) oh man keep me away from a car hahahaha, the first place im goin after i get this bullshit ticket taken care of is the fuckin race track. Fuckin corrupt pigs fucked up my race season... FOR THREE MOTHER FUCKIN YEARS.... bastards....


Active Member
Hey kona hows it going dude? Hope all is well. Waiting on my super soil ingredients here.. Other than that things are great! Well Since I just loaded the page and their was a young jeezy song already up, Here you go gurl!



Active Member
Lols nice dude. You using the gh ph down and up lols. That shit is always a bitch to get the colors right. Right as I get it around a light green to a yellow, I stop lols. But when Im stoned I could do that back and forth for ever!
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