kitty's flower garden part 2


Moderatrix of Journals
all kinds of interesting plants...I live in the "desert". Depends where/what desert you're speaking of. I live in southern AZ.This happens when we get a wet fall/winter

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on the left..... is that a vetch of some sort?
i'd imagine that there'd be some really cool sedums to be found in the desert too, no?

i think that bromeliad's the one..... i've seen those blooms in florists for $25+/stem -- crazy stuff.


Moderatrix of Journals
Honestly, I don't know for sure. I don't label things and can't remember.
we have something similar here; i think it's pretty (grows at the side of the highway and whatnot) but apparently it's considered an invasive weed.


Well-Known Member
Hi Kitty,
Can't say I've seen much sedum. We have some nice perennial wild flowers, like the Evening Primrose. I'll have to assemble my wildflower photos, they're scattered throughout my pix....
Since you seem to enjoy felines...1012160003.jpg This is Bob "the pet alligator".


Moderatrix of Journals
Hi Kitty,
Can't say I've seen much sedum. We have some nice perennial wild flowers, like the Evening Primrose. I'll have to assemble my wildflower photos, they're scattered throughout my pix....
Since you seem to enjoy felines...View attachment 2070191 This is Bob "the pet alligator".
no shit. it's not as different as i think, perhaps, then? evening primrose grow *everywhere* around here.
and didn't i see a hazelnut orchard in the background of one of your pics?

:lol: bob looks MAD.


Well-Known Member
Bob is mad and angry. I was antagonizing him. We have a mutually assured destruction pact.
No hazel nuts here...probably mesquites you saw...but, there are 5000 acres of pecans about 40 miles from here, though.


Active Member
Since the Pix of Spring thread seems to have disappeared, I'll share these here. Some Lilies, I forget which kind - taken with my phone so don't hate.


My flowerbed this year will contain Evening Primrose, Mexican Torch Sunflowers, Purple Echinacea, Ozark Yellow - Echniacea Paradoxa, Hopi Indian Tobacco, and some other "wild" flowers.


Active Member
Nicotiana Rustica - 10x the amount of nicotine as the traditional tobacco - this stuff will cause hallucinations - BE CAREFUL. I'm using it as an insecticide.


Moderatrix of Journals
very nice..... the colour looks kinda like an amaryllis :)
i have a patch of wild evening primrose at the back of the property that i collected seeds from last year - gotta spread the beneficials!
mr kitty just brought me home some sort of "giant" sunflower seed -- so excited!


Active Member
Yeah, I almost got the giant sunflower - Mammoth I believe is the variety. They can get 15 feet tall with flowers measuring two feet across!!


Moderatrix of Journals
i had some last year..... got over-eager about putting them outside and the RABBITS got at them ALL. :cuss: (hence why the prized flowers are all on the deck.)
so badly want some e-fence.......


Well-Known Member
yo yo yo9u got rabit problems youu need a dog or cat. them fuckers don't get near predictors