Kid on RIU


Well-Known Member
Last Activity: 05-16-2009 11:04 could you possibley know he's under 18?and why did you wait over a month to say something? i see nothing in his profile that suggests it so the only way you could know is if you read it in a previous post and he hasnt made one since 5-16.....over a month ago


New Member
i graduated 2 years ago he was a 8th grade when i did, ive talked to him a couple times about growing to help him out (now he's all cocky and shit)so when i saw a post and there were elites saying how riu doesnt tolerate it at all so i just thought id report it, sorry for takin up server space too


Well-Known Member
no have justified yourself. i hate them cocky little shits too its just i couldnt figure out how u could know his age


New Member
yeah he used to be aright i helped get bud and all but now he's not a freshman anymore so he thinks hes the shit