Kc Brains? Have You?


Well-Known Member
ive got 1 very healthy looking kc brains brains damage in the garden outdoors and its about 3 weeks into flowering, looks pretty nice, just wondering from your experiences what i could yield from such a plant outdoors in a ideal direct sunshine area (well for 5 or 6 hours direct a day), i just used some new soil from the garden store in a 15 litre bucket with drainage, and used a small amount of human urine mixed with water for fertilizer, and also water from my fresh water aquarium from time to time, also since gone into flowering i have added many a banana skin to the pot as i hear these are good sources of phosperous and potassium. I know this probably sounds pathetic to all you seasoned growers, as i havnt added specialist nutrients etc, basically just made sure it is watered every 3 days (would have water every 2 days but the soil mix has compressed slightly over time and i didnt mix any perlite or sand etc for better drainage so just watering it when it needs it, just a very low budget garden grow as an experiment really, it looks very healthy indeed though if i say, is around 1 metre 40 at the moment, wont go much bigger i imagine and has bushed out tremedously, lots of flowering activity all over, loads of long white hairs petruding from everywhere, hoping these thicken into nice sticky buds, although you would probably be able to tell me if my amateur tactics will yield me anything worthwhile, they certainly get a lot of light and watered when neccesary, basically left to their own devices, if you have grown brains damage what is the smoke like and do you have any tips for this specific plants, thanks alot
Im growing the same kc brains damage its only one week in my first grow but from what I read its a good beginer strain and if properly done right its a knockout smoke and produces high yields once I get the hang of this site I will post pics.