Kalis Blunt Rollin Tutorial!


Well-Known Member
Ok so i got some pms from another thread askin how i roll blunts like i do..straight freehand rolling step by step.

:joint:Step 1 - you wanna break the weed up kinda fine and split your blunt, emptying the guts. Now lick all around the blunt to ensure the leafs stay on. ( You can take them off, roll the paper part, then re-wrap the leaves back on if so desired, more work i say.)

:joint:Step 2 - With the "tipped" end facing to the right, put in weed. Make sure that it is EVENLY distributed thru the blunt and NO seeds or stems are in it.(a stem could poke a hole thru the cigar.) Now roll the "tipped" end kinda tight by compressing the weed down and rolling into place. Lick and stick.

:joint:Step 3 - Moving twords the left to the middle of the blunt, keep compressing and rolling into shape, making sure that weed is still even thru the rest of the blunt. Lick and stick. Finish by going to the other end of the blunt, comprssing, lick and stick. You dont need to roll this end tight like you did the "tipped" end, if any weed looks like it will come out, simply take something and pack it down gently.

The secret to getting a blunt that looks like you never opened it, is to make sure the "lick line" in STRAIGHT. While your rolling left to right, compressing down, compress enough to make the overlaping part come down enough to make a straight line. Simple and Ez.

Hope this helps with those who asked, and anyone who was curious. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
good tutorial. Unfortunately I can never roll, no matter how good the teacher. My hands shake too much. I have to use a dollar just to roll joints. Its sad.


Well-Known Member
I have tremors. Honestly. Haha. I can't roll. Looks like a nice fuckin blunt tho! I'm in cali u wanna match? hahahah.


Well-Known Member
beacuse honestly...i was so stoned off this cali orange bud when i was makin my account...s i just made my name KaliSmok3...seemed to fit at the time lol.