Kali and HazeSkunk in my backyard


Well-Known Member
You can't, it is a plant, it is going to either grow or die.

If you are that worried move them to a place where no one with see or find them.


Well-Known Member
Here's a picture I took from my cell phone. Apparently they weren't too woody to train; I trained them down a lot today but haven't trained the side branch thing on either one, and the Hazeskunk side branch is taller than the plant.



Well-Known Member
More pictures. The plants are within rather dense vegetation and are under a bush, so there's no shortage of bugs.



Well-Known Member
Here are some uneaten leaves, the indica looking one is the Kalichakra (which I assume is the indica phenotype, I could be wrong) and the sativa one is the Thazunk.



Well-Known Member
And here are some shots of the whole pot. Note: I take the pot out of its "hiding place" every time I take pictures, it's not usually out in the open like that.



Well-Known Member
Took some more pictures today. My Kalichakra is a really fucked up plant, It makes 4 fingered leaves, purple deformed growth shoots, and now 3 leaves from each node on one branch. It's definitely flowering, though I can't quite tell the sex. I'm leaning towards male, but there's a definite possibility of female. Maybe it's hermie.

1st pic is Kalichakra. 2nd and 3rd pics are the Thazunk, don't know if you can tell sex from that. 4th pic is 3 leafs from 1 node.



Well-Known Member
I would think you could see hairs with how big those ball things are if they are female. I'm not an expert, but I would guess its male. I just ripped one out that looks just like that as a matter of fact, so I hope that it's male.