JW - NLxC99


Well-Known Member
Well they arrived! Joey Weed's Northern lights x Cinderella 99
26OCT2010 Start date.
Nothing much to talk about now.
They were just placed in starting cubes to germinate.

Spec's for this

600w MH for veg.
600w HPS for flo.
Using a 600w digital ballast. With an air cooled hood.

7 1/2 gal reservoir flood and drain setup

Using Iguana juice nutrients for all stages of growth.

Still thinking if i am doing a SOG or going to wait til the next cycle of clones to come threw, to do it.

Of course I will update when i see some green come threw! :-P

The second photo is the room.
The current plants in soil are getting cut soon. And behind them is the hydro system.
That will be used for the NLx99



Well-Known Member
Nice to see I caught people's attention already.

Just for my records i want to add the DATE they first broke soil.
between 01 and expected all to be up on 03 NOV.

I know I am new to the site but hope to make some friends.

If someone can help me though. This is my first time starting seeds in hydro, Last time I did hydro was a few years back and I had clones.

The plan is to Flood for 1 hr and to drain for 2 hrs before the next 1 hr flood.
But should they be getting nutrients? Just til i know for sure i mixed a very light grow solution with a bit of micro in it.
I am sure it wont kill em but I would like to make it a bit stronger if I can.

So I know they all look the same but here they are! SEEDLINGS YAY!

Also 5 of them pots are empty and were supposed to take Blueberry clones, but unfortunately the bud i harvested from the plants the clones were cut off had a few seeds threw it. So the clones got tossed as I wont waste my time on a possible hermi plant. So time to finish enjoying the BHO i made, enjoy the pics!



Well-Known Member
Also if anyone has any questions for me or wanna give me any tips, send em I need something to do!


Well-Known Member
today all of them are sprouts.
Still hoping someone drops in and helps with my nutrient question up above.


Active Member
BBY...your seedlings don't need any nutes for the first two weeks. Add nutrients at 1/4 strength the following week. Set your rez at 300-350 ppms. This is what I've been told as I'm runnin with hydro but in a Waterfarm..


Well-Known Member
I have been feeding them some nutrients.

I will call it my own test because i really don't think a really light solution will set these back. I asked because i was hoping that someone who grew out JW's NL99, would step up and say they are a tuff plant and can handle a strong solution and benefit from doing so.

I will dilute it a bit more and for the next week i will see if the plants are using any nutrients, if they start to do good with out showing any nutrient burns i will bring it up as needed.
If damage from excessive nutrients happen then I guess straight water is the way to go. :)
I plan on adding nothing more than 1/8 of the recommended feeding with a tad of micro nutrients to give em a good start.

I know this isnt the best idea because these 10 seedlings is all i have til some c99 comes in with another skunk based strain. So if these die i would need to get 10 more c99xnl seeds.
I cannot do much with giving readings as i use a meter that measures in PPM so all the numbers i use for this study will be useless to anyone else unless you use the same meter as me.

I will be getting a all in one EC meter this mid month pay.

I must rag on a bit with the nutrients i am using.
I am requesting that if anyone reads this and had used the Iguana juice grow/bloom give me some of your input on this product.
So far i think i wont be using it long. If it dont compete with synthetic nutrients im tossing it. The cost is ridiculous. They lie when they say it dont smell, (bottling/advertising indicated being "scented" and "masked" by '"perfume") because this stinks like a river with dead fish thrown all over the beach left to rot. Ive used other organics in soil for a long time, first time using organics in a hydro setup and the smell is horrible.
Hope for the discomfort of smelling shit in my house every flood that it at least it works really well for all the trouble its causing.

For the plants. All 10 broke out of the rock wool.
9 are straight up and are ready to begin to settle in and 1 is out but still needs to turn upright and settle down for the long haul.

an update will come when the solution makes a dramatic fall in the measurements , indicating them using nutrients.
and it will mark when i start the feeding regiment.


Well-Known Member

Must note that because i don't have a control group , this wont say anthinga bout what is better, just to notice if any DAMAGE comes from doing so.


I just checked my solution
The plants are using more water then nutrients, because my reading spiked up. I went and diluted the solution below the starting strength.


Well-Known Member
I got bored so decided to take come creative photos of the babies.
I got two weird ones already. Its like a 3 leaf seedling, does that bring good luck?




Well-Known Member
Solution strength keeps going up. I am going to guess its because of the rise of heat lately and its evaporating a bit fast. So I am keeping the solution at about 140PPM's (Its very weak ) . There showing no signs of over feeding as of yet. Already a day or two old and they are growing in the second set of leaf's.

I Need to add a bit more instead of making another post.
In a week I will be getting C99 also.
So they will be a bit behind but will flower the same time these do, that way after i pick the favorites both NL99 and C99 clones can start off together and I can do a side by side. Also thinking of back crossing the NL99 with the C99, try to pull out my favorite pheno of the Nl99 and hit it back with my favorite male C99 and see what I get.


Active Member
Can't help you on the nute question as I'm growing in soil, but IMO you're going about it the right way - keep it weak but keep some in there and increase gradually but steadily. I always thought the worst time to develop a deficiency is when the plants are so young they have limited ability to recover from it, so (when I grew in rockwool) I never waited until any signs of problems developed. But don't blast 'em with full strength nutes too soon, either. I was also thinking about crossing a straight C99 with one of my NL99 f2's to see just how much of a NL - pheno plant I can get that has as much of the C99 high and taste as possible. I was thinking of a Cindy female with a very NL-looking NL99 male, though (just to see what it produces)...

Good job on the 100% germination. That 3-leafed seedling _should_ start growing with 3 fan leaves at each node instead of the regular 2. At least that's what the ones I've seen do - don't think there's any other real differences, except if/when you trim off the top growth you'll get 3 stalks that grow out instead of 2, which is nice.


Well-Known Member
Seems you and me have the same idea going for breeding a NL99 back with a C99.

That's what i was going to try out to see what i can get. Trying to get more of the NL in a c99 for better yields and keep the c99 potency.

The 3 leaf plant i have is still growing out in set's of threes. This is my first time in almost 6 years this has happened. Sure it be just like the others, just will have a little extra.

I will throw photos up in a couple days.

The nutrient solution has been pretty steady the last few days , so i havent been making any adjustments and the plants are doing great.


Well-Known Member
Some seedlings started to burn. I know i caught it early. I seen some yellowing a few days ago and cut all nutrients off and went to straight water. Guess thats the way to go. I had the solution at about 1/8th strength and it Burned em up a bit. So after i changed the water, they two started to get brown edges.

I am sure they will spring back.

As for other things going on.
Started 5 seeds of JW c99 now ;). Not sure on how I will set this up , but i know i will make it work.
I got a few ideas.

ugh, switched to 18/6 light scheadule too.

and switched my flood too.
I was thinking they are getting too much water. so i will be letting it flood for a 1/2 hour every 4 hours. That should give them enough time to get air and dry out a bit before the next flood.

Hope to have some sexy ladies for you all to gawk at in a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, your setup looks amazing! Wish I had the fundage for hydro system, maybe after a few harvests eh? My little 4x4 room is going to be cramped.

I like your idea of back-crossing some more potency and trying to keep the yield high. What are you planning on doing with the males when they show?



Well-Known Member
Hey man, your setup looks amazing! Wish I had the fundage for hydro system, maybe after a few harvests eh? My little 4x4 room is going to be cramped.
The start up costs are a bit high. But after years of soil i needed a change of pace. Its Cost me under 150 for the system. (inc pots, pebbles, pumps and unit)
I already had the lamp.
And i spent 60 on nutrients so far.

The other day thou i did spend 130 on meters and calibrations solutions.

My plans for the back crossing is to hopefully get a male off the C99 and hit the pollen on my choice of the NL99.

Not sure what i wanna do with any male NL99 i get. I do have some heavy indica seeds laying around i might grow out n hit with the NL99 pollen.

But what i really came here for is an update on my grow ;)

I bought super thrive yesterday. and a ph meter.
After using the ph meter for less then 20 m i dropped it in my rez haha
Almost broke it but after a quick dry under a hair dryer its working again and calibrated just fine.

Seems my ph was way high. using the litmus paper is a waste
it was sitting at 8.0
So i quickly changed water and got it to 5.8 - 6.2

Them C99 seeds are now in plugs and going in with the NL99 tomorrow. They might break out tomorrow but i expect to see them tuesday morning.

But thats it fer now! Time to smoke and enjoy the ol ladies dinner.