just how easy is 'EASY BUD' advice wanted


i am a new grower with some experience with growing with soil and have just set up for my 1st hydroponic grow.

as i am still learning i have bought some 'easy bud' seeds and some 'quick one' which are both autoflowering plants, to grow hydroponically. my grow is set up in a wardrobe 2.5x4ft and 6ft tall. i have read lots on bulbs and want to do this grow with florescent tubes, probably 2 or 3 3-4ft 45-60watt tubes which will put out around 50-100 lumens per watt. is this ok???

any suggestions on which florescent tubes to get and advice on the grow in general would be much much appreciated.


awesome thats got a query off my mind, although will it make a difference if i use warm reds or cool whites? or should i use 1 of each. at the moment i have a small 2ft 60w 4000 lumens fluorescent warm red light on the first few that have sprouted. how far should i have this from the small sprouts and when should i change to the new larger fluorescent bulbs? bareing in mind they are 8 weeks to harvest from sprout, autoflowering plants, fast little growers.

thanks for your help, its all going to good use.


any more help would be great if some one could help pointing me in the direction of my next step.....??????

il get some pics up of my set up so u can see it as it develoups.

thanks peeps. peace


Active Member
awesome thats got a query off my mind, although will it make a difference if i use warm reds or cool whites? or should i use 1 of each. at the moment i have a small 2ft 60w 4000 lumens fluorescent warm red light on the first few that have sprouted. how far should i have this from the small sprouts and when should i change to the new larger fluorescent bulbs? bareing in mind they are 8 weeks to harvest from sprout, autoflowering plants, fast little growers.

thanks for your help, its all going to good use.
Use the cool white or brite white for tight bushy vegitative growth. youll want about 3000 lumens per square feet to have a decent effect. Once the seedling is a week old or less, depending on the maturity, give it all the light.


should i stick with just cool white lights through the veg state and only add in the warm red when flowering or just add everything in when they are around a week old?

thanks for ur help...

is ther a way i can increase the quantity of bud on my plants through lighting, ive read about using uv black lights to do this and uvb producing bulbs to increase thc. is this true and if so how and when do i use this method?????

thanks again... peace


Well-Known Member
There is no reason to talk about adding UV or anything to increase the amount of bud you'll get off standard flourescent tubes. If you want more bud all you need is an HPS. For your size cab I would suggest a 400 in a cooltube. If you can't afford much you can buy a 400 halide instead used on craigslist or whatever just about any week for around $40 if you are in the US that is and DIY your own active cooling or cooltube or something. Even two 250w hps's or halides would do the trick, I see them for $25 here on cl.

Most people feel very strongly that flourescent tubes are fantastic for clones and seedlings and vegging up to maybe 2' max and then that's it, they simply fail miserably at making anything resembling HPS or metal halide buds. You can get some nugs but in all honesty it's just not even worth it.

If you are absolutely opposed to a HID for some reason then go get a bunch of cfl's, 42w or so, you'll need many but they are cheap. It'll also take a lot of cords and a lot of fiddling and all that heat does add up too, you'll still have to vent it actively but 42w actual or better cfl's will at least double the bud over tubes. They have better penetration. Not HPS or halide penetration but better than tubes. Given enough good cfl's all around the plants you can do hps like buds, but it takes more energy at that size cabinet and is harder to handle the heat much easier to cool just one or two big bulbs.


Active Member
not easy bud,but doing all my autos under a 600w hps and they seem to be doing pretty well(4 ak,1 roadunner,3 easy ryder)

easyryders are awesome,very tall for autos,twice as tall as the others

I would not advise hydroponic growing for autos,they are very sensitive and you can easily damage them


why not hydroponics for autoflowering plants???? what are the differences, benefits and grow times in comparison for this type of plant???


Active Member
Unless I am missing something, I think the advantage of autoflowering is that the plants age is genetically determined to be the appropriate time to flower. Indoors, you can force flower by switching the light cycle to 12/12. Using an autoflower indoors actually limits your ability to force flower, which is one of the benefits of growing indoors (why people can harvest 5 times a year).

Autoflowers are nice in an outdoor setup where you are normally dependent on your location's light cycle, and thus can't get flowers until sept/oct. While the plant may not be able veg for months, you can crop earlier in the season (beneficial given the risk of being caught)