just harvested


Well-Known Member
its hanging upside down i removed big leaves can i wait and remove lil leaves tomorrow ? its hard to get the lik leafs cuz the whole plants intact should i break it into branchs plz answer im tierd wanna sleep.. smelly sticky:hump:


Well-Known Member
You can wait a day but the leaves will be less crisp and way more loose and droopy, in my experience it actually makes it harder to trim. You should separate the plant into smaller portions to eliminate hand and finger fatigue from holding up big heavy buds and stalks to trim. :D


Well-Known Member
ya you can wait to take the little pain in the ass leaves off, its easier when the little ones are a little crisper, however if they have sugar on them leaving them on wouldnt be a bad idea. but im like ocd with manicuring my shit so i get every single leaf off that i can im talkin even ones visible with scope, straight ocd trimmin