just gotta vent riu..... yes that thread again!!!!!


Active Member
So its my first off day in two weeks (12 days I like to exaggerate bare wit me) and my 9 month old pregnant girlfriend car broke down on the way back from grabbing a bite to eat with our niece in then a cop pulls off on the side of the road to "help" us. Heeeeeeeee was worthless. I'm thinking our battery finally crapped out. Ne fucking wayz so idk if you know what a 9 month old stubborn cranky gf is but it not fun. Btw it 114 out today and I can't smoke my shit in the house. So I'm sittin here in my car ac on bout to smoke this nug in front of me( will have pic shortly for I'm riting this starring at this nug knowing I ant break it up until I snapshoot this bitch fo proof bc people be hatin and I'm trying to avoid that all together.) <<<<<< long explanation huh....... so who want to join me..... (0 replys) ....thanks for listening peace


Well-Known Member
LOL man as first time father to a 18 day old baby girl I can clearly remember the stresses of those last few days.
Its gonna be over so quick man, don't sweat it too much.


Well-Known Member
9 month pregnant girlf friend huh.. Wait till she has the baby.. New Borns are so much fun.. You will have even less time to smoke, never get any real sleep, you will learn to wipe ass with the best of them my son is 33 days old..


Well-Known Member
How does your car not over heat sitting idle with the AC on ?? I'm in AZ and it was 115 this weekend ...