Jorge Cervantes is a big fat idiot.


Well-Known Member
i entered a "picture of your garden" contest. first place was a signed copy of jorges new book. i won!! guess what i never received? i sent numerous emails and never even got a reply back. i went ahead and bought my own copy. i collect books.


New Member
right,, just as bill hicks said.... "quit putting a godamn dollar sign on every fucking thing on this planet!"


Well-Known Member

Hypocrite! You stated you "vend" (in an earlier post) ... you are doing the same thing but judging others based on their level of "vending" :mrgreen::peace:
i'm not selling my name. wait a minute, i stamp my hash. damnit, you caught me. gotta go look at a new hummer now. :mrgreen::peace:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
i'm not selling my name. wait a minute, i stamp my hash. damnit, you caught me. gotta go look at a new hummer now. :mrgreen::peace:
ROFL!!! good one!!!

I get it... you don't want to ever profit from the knowledge you have... not by book or any other means... because all who do so are sell outs..... I get it!

Let me digest this... so if you drive a HUMMER paid for by the profits of marijuana you are a "Sellout"..... but if you drive a beat up geo metro paid for by the same you are GOOD because at least you are exactly where you started?

Yeah.... that makes sense.......NOT!


Well-Known Member
ROFL!!! good one!!!

I get it... you don't want to ever profit from the knowledge you have... not by book or any other means... because all who do so are sell outs..... I get it!

Let me digest this... so if you drive a HUMMER paid for by the profits of marijuana you are a "Sellout"..... but if you drive a beat up geo metro paid for by the same you are GOOD because at least you are exactly where you started?

Yeah.... that makes sense.......NOT!
i'm in it for the love of the plant not for the money it brings me. if i could just grow pot and not pay bills i would. i give away more then i sell. i spend all day here freely helping others. i could put together a book and make a little coinage. i could double my op and buy a brand new truck. i could demand top dollar and weigh my shit under. i could tell you to get bent for a buck. but i don't. i think there is a difference. did you read what he wrote?

guru jorge's loving words.........

" Dear K.B.,
As we say in Spain, you are touching my balls! I don’t make editorial policy for the magazine, but I do control my own shit, and I’m very proud of the accurate information that I risk my balls to collect and dole out (as do a lot of others), even to “subscribers” like you.
First off, realize that sending seeds across the US border is illegal, and the cops have been closing down seed sellers in Canada for more than a year. Growing marijuana in America is also illegal. Pay attention to these facts and show respect where it is due."

if he's not a sell-out then he's just a dick. every single grower risks his balls. not sitting pretty in spain either. thanks for your support, jorge.:blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
all i gotta say is: high times is a media outlet. they gotta advertise. and the media has a pretty good track record of advertising bullshit..


New Member
ROFL!!! good one!!!

I get it... you don't want to ever profit from the knowledge you have... not by book or any other means... because all who do so are sell outs..... I get it!

Let me digest this... so if you drive a HUMMER paid for by the profits of marijuana you are a "Sellout"..... but if you drive a beat up geo metro paid for by the same you are GOOD because at least you are exactly where you started?

Yeah.... that makes sense.......NOT!
wrong way florida girl...
you are taking this the wrong way


Active Member
good thing i just read the mag. at the store and dont waste my money on it but hightimes is some bull every one ive looked at makes it like its the best shit but when you open it up its stupid ads and about 5 full pages of bud they may have some nice pics but no info dont waste your money with high times unless you want a poster and some scrap paper.


Well-Known Member
I'd have more respect for HT's if there ads wasn't the bullshit ads in them, its why I don't like most MJ mags.

I see it just like anything else they are just using MJ to make the all mighty dollar at peoples expense as some people actually trust them lol:roll:


Well-Known Member
anyone have any High Times Mags laying around? something from the last few years? open it up and look at the articles with pics of freshly manicured buds. 90% of them are WEEKS early. it's like they said "oh, high times is coming. we have to harvest so they can take pics." it's a joke. then they post an article telling when to harvest. it's just silly.


anyone have any High Times Mags laying around? something from the last few years? open it up and look at the articles with pics of freshly manicured buds. 90% of them are WEEKS early. it's like they said "oh, high times is coming. we have to harvest so they can take pics." it's a joke. then they post an article telling when to harvest. it's just silly.

me and my wife notice that all the time, wtf is up with that bs.....lats years outdoor edition they had huge piles of weed that looked like 3 weeks immature...LOL...HT is a joke for sure...and after reading Jorge's comment from last month, I gotta say he is pretty rude and lost a ton of my respect...

i came to defend Jorge and got schooled, i guess I should have known some one hooked up with HT was a douche..............and a sell out...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Jorge may be a douche when it comes to character, but I do not care for a person's character, but their knowledge. Think of every professor you disliked due to their personality, but in the end it's about "what you learned from their knowledge." So while I disagree with his choice of actions recently, I have learned a thing or two from his DVD's I downloaded online. So everybody calm down and take a smoke break!


New Member
Jorge may be a douche when it comes to character, but I do not care for a person's character, but their knowledge. Think of every professor you disliked due to their personality, but in the end it's about "what you learned from their knowledge." So while I disagree with his choice of actions recently, I have learned a thing or two from his DVD's I downloaded online. So everybody calm down and take a smoke break!
RSIXXER! I ABSOLUTELY AGREE! Jorge's ultimate grow DVDs are wonderful, because theyre FREE on Youtube! I learned a LOT from them, and didnt pay for it.

"So you wanna grow pot?" series on is totally awesome as well, and guess what? Its growers helping growers and not charging em or putting in ads for Catnip and Lettuce!


Well-Known Member
Lastly,. I also own Jorge's most recent book on indoor growing and the DVD. I am shocked to hear his comments about the seed co. and the Illegal shipping of seeds in the USA. Jorge, I never thought I';d say this but, FUCK OFF! I will NEVER spend another freakin' hard earned DIME on your shit or that crazy illerate rag mag you work for. Your personal web site is shit too! Been there....


Well-Known Member
the guy made a mistake
it happens and thats that
i read the magazine for several reasons
i bought his book and dvds
ill buy more books and more dvds
i read everything i can and use 4 different forums for knowledge
i dont see a problem with growing for the love and making a little money
think about this........would u rather keep the money in america and pay americans to grow......or buy elsewhere and pay others.........
ill grow and keep the money in america and help the economy


Well-Known Member
anyone have any High Times Mags laying around? something from the last few years? open it up and look at the articles with pics of freshly manicured buds. 90% of them are WEEKS early. it's like they said "oh, high times is coming. we have to harvest so they can take pics." it's a joke. then they post an article telling when to harvest. it's just silly.

Get your ass in gear and make a rollitup magazine then ;]

Now THAT I would pay for. :D

if everyone pitched in, ya know..

'beginers guide' section etc...

haha that would be sweet.
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