Jorge Cervantes is a big fat idiot.


Well-Known Member
hey dudes dont rip on the the mag man! For us readers and those of us that collect HT, i say i am offended.
Yes, most of the shit for sale in the mag is garbage and a complete scam, but i have learned alote from them. They also give me a laugh and a half. Plus , i like to look at nice pics of chron.
Now i know the mags not for everyone and the price for the mag is a rip off but for those of us who read, have a little respect. Maybe just a tiny bit? ah whatever.

Cervantes is a goof!


Well-Known Member
Is this an identical post from another thread? Are you implying that we are illiterate? Are you repeating yourself because you believe we are incapable of comprehending what we read the first time?

You make these claims but do not give hard evidence we can look at for ourselves. No broken link. No link at all. No indication of what issue we can reference. I saw nothing like what you described in the June 2008 issue.


New Member
agreed,, High Times is BS... Cannabis Culture (previously Cannabis Canada) all the way! Even The european Weed World sucks... they're "grow" section is a collection of advertisements,, and so is everything else. they should be paying us to read these mags with all the ads

and any mag that advertises for "legal weed" is a crock of shit...

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Ok... Here is my rant. Agree or disagree!

Jorge Cervantes was part of a 3 page advert in high times recently that was made to look like an article by the magazine endorsing a seed company. When the site he was endorsing disappeared from the internet* and hundreds of people who had sent in payments for seeds never received their orders, people began to complain. One person wrote to HT mag telling his story of being ripped off and misled. Good Ole Jorge's reply was this:

‘Ordering seeds in America is illegal. You should not have done it. You are being disrespectful and have no business inquiring about your money because you are attempting to break the law.’ (Summarized)

Excuse me but what exactly did you expect Jorge and/or High Times to do.... get out their checkbooks and send everyone who wrote in a check?

I mean really he's right... it IS illegal and if you take the chance... there's a chance you will not get your order. We ALL know this going into it.

Perhaps the vendor got busted and was busy with legal matters and therefore not able to fulfill orders. Perhaps all their stuff was confiscated so they weren't able to return funds. WHO KNOWS???

Perhaps you would have felt better if he had just said "sorry I/we endorsed them"? Who knows .... maybe he did... I didn't see the article and have no idea what was actually printed or what seed company is being referred to.

Really you need to get over yourself.... let's see your credentials and a list of what you've contributed to the growing community before you go slinging mud at someone whose contributions over the years speak for themselves.

Whatever.... you are entitled to your opinion... mine is that Jorge wouldn't have sustained the test of time if he was a scam artist. IMO the people who complained should be counting their lucky stars Johnny Law didn't come knocking on their door.



Well-Known Member
I can get behind this guy's argument. I read High Times maybe once a year and the other month I picked up a copy and was disgusted with all the "Legal Bud" ads. The magazine has become a caricature of itself.

As for Cervantes, if he really said those things he should be avoided like the plague by the growing community. Even if he didn't say those things you have to wonder what type of "Marijuana Guru" would work for a magazine jam packed with ads stealing money from its readers.

Update-- Here is the column in question. Not quite as bad as the OP claimed and the website does seem to be up and running like the guy said it would. Who knows. I wouldn't even order a pumpkin seed from anything Jorge was involved in, but that's just me.

High Times > JORGE'S RX


New Member
yea,,, this site lost a lot of credibility when i saw that it advertised that shit.. someone is greedy,, thats all... losing morals to money


New Member
cannabis culture does not advertise that shit,,, and they do not have all biased information provided by corporations selling cannabis related products... this world sickens me,, all the desruction caused by advertising and marketing... bill hicks (genius) says it well here
YouTube - Bill Hicks on Marketing
"By the way, if anyone here is in advertising or marketing, kill yourself. Thank you, thank you. Just a little thought. I'm just trying to plant seeds. Maybe one day they'll take root. I don't know. You try. You do what you can. Kill yourselves. Seriously though, if you are, do. No really, there's no rationalisation for what you do, and you are Satan's little helpers, OK? Kill yourselves, seriously. You're the ruiner of all things good. Seriously, no, this is not a joke. "There's gonna be a joke coming..." There's no fucking joke coming, you are Satan's spawn, filling the world with bile and garbage, you are fucked and you are fucking us, kill yourselves, it's the only way to save your fucking soul. Kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself now. Now, back to the show.
"You know what Bill's doing now, he's going for the righteous indignation dollar, that's a big dollar, a lot of people are feeling that indignation, we've done research, huge market. He's doing a good thing." Godammit, I'm not doing that, you scumbags, quit putting a godamn dollar sign on every fucking thing on this planet! "Ooh, the anger dollar. Huge. Huge in times of recession. Giant market, Bill's very bright to do that."

God, I'm just caught in a fucking web.

"Ooh the trapped dollar, big dollar, huge dollar. Good market - look at our research. We see that many people feel trapped. If we play to that and then separate them into the trapped dollar..."

How do you live like that? And I bet you sleep like fucking babies at night, don't you?

"What didya do today honey?"

"Oh, we made ah, we made ah arsenic a childhood food now, goodnight." [snores] "Yeah we just said you know is your baby really too loud? You know?" [snores] "Yeah, you know the mums will love it." [snores]

Sleep like fucking children, don't ya, this is your world isn't it?"
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OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
IDK bout all this morals discussion- i think its about buisness. Whoever runs this site is doing buisness and I think its a damn good one- its free to me- and the ads dont bother me- i even click on em to get them the dough... lol that is how it works...

As for Jorge, again its about buisness- and he definitly did bad buisness by endorsing them as good buisness and then telling there customers- regardless of where they are from- that they are stupid for buying from them. I have seen this issue raised elsewhere, and I agree- Jorge did wrong, and I lost respect, but I will still take his advice from my pirated copy of his book! lol... Who got the last laugh jorge...

As for Hightimes- I lost respect for them when I stopped drolling over sports illustrated swimsuit issue- (dont get me wrong I still peer through it, but its no longer under my bed!) Thats the difference, hightimes is for little kids- or ppl who smoke but dont know or care to know shit about it.

If you are a grower who wants a magazine for growers check out published in the netherlands and republished in like 8 languages its relatively underground, but has amazing articles specific to and for growers and even has a user pics send in that is loaded with titties and buds and the winners get free packs of seeds. The only ads are of growing products that are actually relevant and cool.

Fuck Hightimes, Jorge is a decent grower (nowhere near as good as Arjan from greenhouse- he is the best IMO) but a bad businessman [a trend among buisnessman and growers- tend to be better at one or the other, thats why i grow for myself and for the love of it] and finally FUCK HIGHTIMES straight up, Cannabis Culture is decent for ppl who like pot, but its Soft-secrets all the way for me... every issue is free and downloadable in pdf form on their website... gotta love that- I fuckin hate how HT website says 'buy the article to read the rest'... What a rant!
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OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
its free on the internet- and you can just print it- i have never seen it at my headshop but every issue is downloadable in its entire form 60-80 pages...

The Dude 4552

Well-Known Member
I dont read High Times but a couple of weeks ago I purchased their... (reaching under the couch)... "best of High Times Grow Guide 2008." I hate magazines and never read them because of the advertisements, but I had just sparked an interest in growing and figured High Times grow guide would be a tremendous help. WRONG. Just like all other magazines, its littered with ads for overpriced growboxes, get-rich-quick schemes and that notorious 'legal herb.' I learned more about growing from one noob thread on RIU than can be found in all the pages of this "grow guide" issue of the magazine.

I'm not pissed, as it only set me back 8 bucks, but I will never buy another High Times again.

Oh just in case your wondering, the "guide" that is in this issue is less than 3 pages long, and within that probably 3/4 of a page is actual information.

And now back under the couch you go!

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
yup it sure is- i have all of 2007 saved on my comp, it prints bi-monthy (every 2 mnths)! And they have back to 2003 and each issue has grow tips and pics, naked chix, what you wanna see i assure you lol!


Active Member
Ender....I just read the attachment that Picasso posted. What a lame ass reply by J.C.
He obviously doesn't really give a shit if someone is getting ripped off. High Times and J.C. still make out o.k...I guess it's all about the money. If I was placing a ad in a magazine to expand my business I sure as hell would have everything in order. That's the last thing I would want is some guy making some lame ass excuses..and berating my customers for doing something "illegal"...just my opinion...