Jet Waterpipes


New Member
Not sure if anyone in here has ever tried these bongs but I recently bought one and fuck am I impressed! I have had $500 Molino Glass bongs, Roor Bongs, Ehle Bongs, Black Leaf, Agung & more and none have compared to this thing!

So impressed!

Ahaha its wicked, its a bullet proof acrylic that is the same material used on the pope mobile, the coating is the same coating they put on military grade weapons, and the diffuser is 15x more efficient then a standard diffuser. Hell sounds like i'm promoting these dudes but its a must check out! I'm smoking a sativa through it right now and loving it!


Well-Known Member
Yes, it certainly does seem like you are promoting them, doesn't it.....

That so called "filter/diffuser" better work some amazing magic to justify the plastic build... not sure I'd ever be convinced really.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it certainly does seem like you are promoting them, doesn't it.....

That so called "filter/diffuser" better work some amazing magic to justify the plastic build... not sure I'd ever be convinced really.
but its bullet proof how could u not be convinced , imagine how good that acrylic taste .