Jesus Was A Socialist!


Well-Known Member
Jesus would not have been for redistribution of wealth BY FORCE.
He was charitable not a totalitarian.
Jesus only used force one time in the bible.
Against moneychangers in the temple.
(the same ilk as the people running the FED today)

By definition communists would take by force all property.
Jesus understood property rights.
Jesus would urge the rich to give their wealth away for the good of their souls.
He never would have sicked goons on them.

I never said not to exorcise jurisprudance.
I never said Jesus was dumb.
I said Jesus understood natural law.
Natural law must have an injured party.
Or it is simply not a crime.
The same reason I smoke weed with a clean conscience.
A thing can be illegal and not be a crime.


New Member
Jesus would have been for redistribution of wealth!!!!!!! If that aint a commie then wft is??
Show some proof of what you say, or just keep quiet. You know the old adage: "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Come on, I really want you to show proof that Jesus believed in redistribution of wealth BY FORCE. Why by force? Because that's exactly how communists redistribute wealth ... at the point of government's gun.


Active Member
Show some proof of what you say, or just keep quiet. You know the old adage: "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Come on, I really want you to show proof that Jesus believed in redistribution of wealth BY FORCE. Why by force? Because that's exactly how communists redistribute wealth ... at the point of government's gun.
Jesus was a fake flying spaceman zombie. I think he can interpret Jesus anyway he wants.


Well-Known Member
So start a thread about a subject
then insult everyone who trys to give you logical answers
based on their understanding.

Cloud City

New Member
Show some proof of what you say, or just keep quiet. You know the old adage: "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Come on, I really want you to show proof that Jesus believed in redistribution of wealth BY FORCE. Why by force? Because that's exactly how communists redistribute wealth ... at the point of government's gun.

Do you know Jesus? I think not. Go read the Bible. Jesus was not afraid to kick some ass when or if he had to.


New Member

Do you know Jesus? I think not. Go read the Bible. Jesus was not afraid to kick some ass when or if he had to.
You made the claim that Jesus was a communist. I rebutted by asking you to show proof that Jesus espoused redistribution of wealth by force. You failed miserably.

Cloud City

New Member
You made the claim that Jesus was a communist. I rebutted by asking you to show proof that Jesus espoused redistribution of wealth by force. You failed miserably.

When was the last time you talked to Jesus? Do you know what Jesus does to those who disobey him? Ever heard of a little place called HELL? :fire:


New Member
When was the last time you talked to Jesus? Do you know what Jesus does to those who disobey him? Ever heard of a little place called HELL?
Again, you haven't shown proof of your allegation that Jesus was a communist. Put up, or shut up. :blsmoke:

Cloud City

New Member
Lets just take a look at the Jesus facts:

- Jesus was for taxes

- Jesus was for redistribution of wealth

- Jesus was a proponent of the use of deadly force (Hell) to those who disobeyed him.

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck..


New Member
Lets just take a look at the Jesus facts:

- Jesus was for taxes

- Jesus was for redistribution of wealth

- Jesus was a proponent of the use of deadly force (Hell) to those who disobeyed him.
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck..[/QUOTE]

Again ... you STILL have not shown proof of your allegation that Jesus was a Communist. And beyond that, you have no clue as to what Jesus stood for or who He was. You've made that very apparent in your ridiculous posts.

Cloud City

New Member
Yet you are unable to disprove my Jesus facts. Nobody knows for sure who Jesus was but it is a fact that if he was President he would ruin America because the bottom line is Jesus doesn't know jack shit about economics or how to run a country. Jesus wouldn't even be qualified to run a McDonalds.


New Member
Yet you are unable to disprove my Jesus facts. Nobody knows for sure who Jesus was but it is a fact that if he was President he would ruin America because the bottom line is Jesus doesn't know jack shit about economics or how to run a country. Jesus wouldn't even be qualified to run a McDonalds.
Good Lord! By your description, Jesus is currently occupying the White House!!! :bigjoint:


Cloud City

New Member
Good Lord! By your description, Jesus is currently occupying the White House!!! :bigjoint:

Again, lets take a look at the facts, President Obama is ending Bush's wars, fixing the economy, and reforming health care. There are no signs that President Obama is not qualified.. Now you may hate our Country and our President but the fact is God chose President Obama to lead us through these tough times and unite our country. And if you don't like that then you can either get the fuck out or keep your arrogant pompous opinions to yourself.


New Member
No, I want you to put down the President Obama hater kool aid for a minute and take some time to get informed.
You, my friend, are the one who is misinformed.

1. Obama is ending Bush's wars? We are still under attack in Iraq ... and the body bags returning from Afghanistan are increasing.

2. Bush is fixing the economy? The national unemployment rate stands at 10.2. Inflation has already started to take off. The dollar is being devalued at an alarming rate as we speak. What we have in President Obama is another Jimmy Carter ... and for the very same reasons.

3. Bush is reforming health care? Let's see; 2000 pages of undecipherable writings that contain the word "shall" over 3500 times. Call any IRS "customer" service line and see how much time you spend on hold. After that, think about how long its going take you to make a doctor appointment if this so-called health care "reform" is passed.

4. Based upon prior business experience, or even government executive experience, Obama isn't qualified to run a lemonade stand.

5. Contrary to your ridiculous assertions, I don't hate my country, in fact ... I love my country. Actually, I don't even hate the government ... I just don't trust it.

Now with all of that said, its become very apparent by your posts that you really don't have a handle on the history of this country. So ... in the spirit of cooperation, and actually the survival of the country, I'd like to recommend an excellent book to you. My feelings are that anyone under 60 years old, who has been "educated" in our modern, government monopolized school systems should read this book. I sincerely hope you take advantage of the information. Here's a link to the book: