Jesus Was A Socialist!

jeff f

New Member
...who? ...don't know'em ...Ohhhh, you mean the carpenter dude.
i thought he was the switch hitter from the cubs. man am i confused. jesus also made a lot of comments about doing your work earnestly and doing your best and helping the down trodden. btw, helping the downtrodden is really tough when the govt just f'ed up your company by taxing it into oblivion so they layed you off. dont remember him ever saying steal from some and give to others. but that might be in the curan. that and "kill all the white people". i think thats in the curan....or maybe that was eddie murphy...i confused myself again....


Well-Known Member
If Jesus was running the show right now.
Taxes would be 10%
They would also be on the Honor system.
Old Testament law would be in effect.
Old Testament law mandated "charity"
From farmers for instance who where implored to leave every seventh row for the poor.
(BTW, this was practiced to some extent in this country in my lifetime)
Old testament law had strong property rights and contract protection.

I do not see Jesus hireing whole agencies of armed goons to force complience with tax laws.
Or policing victemless crimes.
(he forgave the prostitute when it was clearly illegal under his own old testament law)

Jesus had a strong grasp of Natural Law or the Golden rule.
Jesus understood that the golden rule aplies to government and its officials.
He had a strong grasp of personal responsability for ones actions.

Jesus would be a very kind and charitable libertarian.
Certainly not an Ayn Rand type.
But his refusal to initiate violence,
his disdain for the actions of the Tax collecters,
would seem to indicate to me he is in fact a libertarian.

Illegal Smile

Jesus fought against, and was killed by, the centralized big government in Rome.


New Member
Anyone believe Jesus 2.0 is gonna kick the Royal Ass of everyone that believes in Devils more than Angels?

Atheists should be except from this,

even though this is a Religious thread, I believe.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure Jesus wanted to convince people to give from the heart, not to give under threat of incarceration.

The statement about not judging was meant in a spiritual sense, not as an issue of jurisprudence.

"Render unto Cesar" is a statement about approaching affairs of Government and politics with a different mindset than one should approach spiritual issues.

If Jesus were alive today he would be sickened by the hubris he would see here - that is for sure.


Well-Known Member
I think most of your are missing the point.

Jesus never existed.
Man, you really are a dumb ass aren't you. Jesus certainly did exist. Whether or not he was the Messiah or son of God is a matter of religion but his existence is a fact. The historian Josephus wrote of him as did others. Historians all agree on this.

Damn, do they teach you kids anything in school these days?


Well-Known Member
The statement about not judging was meant in a spiritual sense, not as an issue of jurisprudence.

I disagree if I remember correctly it was the priests who brought the prostitute before Jesus.
To ask if she should be stoned based on Old Testament Law.
He replied "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" or something to that effect.
Thus it was in a very real case of jurisprudance.
Because stoning is what the law perscribed.
What I see there is an understanding of Natural law and victumless crime.
He then told the Prostitute to "go and sin no more."
Showing that While prostitution is a sin it is not a crime and
that the only one that can punish and absolve a sin is the perpitrator and God.

Rendering unto Ceasar was a clever way of getting out
of being framed by the "cops" for fomenting a tax revolt.
He asked the Pharase to produce a Denarii.
He asked whos picture was on the Denarii.
It was a picture of Ceasar proclaiming god status.
When he said render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars
What he was really doing was re-affurming Ceasars property rights over coins he owned.
And that prudance sugjests that you pay in Denarii your taxes to avoid being killed by an occupying army.
However the Denarii was a debased currency mined from confiscated mines.
The Shekle was a coin that was undervalued
Thus Jesus was sugjesting to pay your taxes in overvalued Denarii
and keep for yourself the undervalued Shekle.
Showing Jesus understood Greshims Law (Bad money will drive out good money)

Jesus didn't exsist is about as good as cavemen lived with velosoraptors named dino.


New Member
Myth ≠ Fake

I believe mythological beings are on their way to kick ass.

If I understand correctly, Jesus 2.0 is a Warrior King.

No Mr. Nice guy this time around.

Does anyone else believe?

I also believe the title of this thread included the word SOCIALIST not COMMUNIST.

even though I've heard communes can be groovy.


Well-Known Member
The fact that Jesus existed is universally believed by historians. There is written record of his existence.


Well-Known Member
The statement about not judging was meant in a spiritual sense, not as an issue of jurisprudence.

I disagree if I remember correctly it was the priests who brought the prostitute before Jesus.
To ask if she should be stoned based on Old Testament Law.
He replied "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" or something to that effect.
Thus it was in a very real case of jurisprudance.
Because stoning is what the law perscribed.
What I see there is an understanding of Natural law and victumless crime.
He then told the Prostitute to "go and sin no more."
Showing that While prostitution is a sin it is not a crime and
that the only one that can punish and absolve a sin is the perpitrator and God.

Rendering unto Ceasar was a clever way of getting out
of being framed by the "cops" for fomenting a tax revolt.
He asked the Pharase to produce a Denarii.
He asked whos picture was on the Denarii.
It was a picture of Ceasar proclaiming god status.
When he said render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars
What he was really doing was re-affurming Ceasars property rights over coins he owned.
And that prudance sugjests that you pay in Denarii your taxes to avoid being killed by an occupying army.
However the Denarii was a debased currency mined from confiscated mines.
The Shekle was a coin that was undervalued
Thus Jesus was sugjesting to pay your taxes in overvalued Denarii
and keep for yourself the undervalued Shekle.
Showing Jesus understood Greshims Law (Bad money will drive out good money)

Jesus didn't exsist is about as good as cavemen lived with velosoraptors named dino.
Those stories mean light years more when you look at their meaning rather than taking them literally. You refer to sin, that is a spiritual matter and the point he was making was not that law should not be upheld, it was that people should not judge the soul of another.

To say that we should not exercise jurisprudence is simply dumb. If you think Jesus was dumb that is your prerogative.

At any rate, I don't want to get into a discussion on religion. Especially since neither of us is an expert on Jewish law which is absolutely required to understand anything Jesus said accurately.


New Member
Jesus would never have been elected President. He was a Communist and would have destroyed America.

Jesus was a communist? LMAO!

From where can you show proof that Jesus espoused a complete government take-over of all capital, the means of production and the complete economic enslavement of mankind?

Either you don't understand what communism is, or you are just demonstrating that you're full of shit. Which is it?

If any political persuasion could be applied to Jesus, it would be libertarianism.