Jesus song lawsuit


Well-Known Member
i found this interesting. just googled it, heres a link

does anyone else think those EXACT SAME christian parents who filed the lawsuit, would be furious about a song with muhammad in it? i guarantee u that they would not like a song that said muhammad as much as that song says jesus.

it says in this article that they "reached an agreement". who wants to bet they just let the kid sing it anyways?!:finger: just because these parents filed a lawsuit...

my personal opinion is they shouldnt allow any of it, whether its christian or whatever other religion.



Well-Known Member
Well theres no mention of what the agreement was or that they were infact christian parents. They denied his christian song which was wrong in the first place. If the kid wants to sing a song about jesus in front of the school, let him and see what happens lol. I dont know if it would be a wise thing to just ban religious views from school, for one i think that would violate constitutional crap. But there is a time and place for everything and most religions teach to "praise god/jesus" at all points of the day. So in my opinion the school was wrong here. And if the parents were "christians" then they shoulda took the high road and shut the fuck up lol. "Oh well billy, you can sing it in front of our bible group on wednesday" lol


Well-Known Member
Iono man, i remember do davey crocket and shit in 5th grade, but nowadays 5th graders prolly got 2 kids and are addicted to meth


Well-Known Member
Well if the kid wanted to sing about Muhammah maybe his ass would be dead and all the Christain haters could cheer them on.


Well-Known Member
Well if the kid wanted to sing about Muhammah maybe his ass would be dead and all the Christain haters could cheer them on.
am i the only one that is confused by this? Why would he be dead and who are the christian haters cheering on?


Well-Known Member
im lost on that to.^

I think they should just keep it all out of public schools.


Well-Known Member
nah cuz then yer not teaching tolerance, yer teachings to tell people to stfu ... maybe you have a point lol


Well-Known Member
nah cuz then yer not teaching tolerance, yer teachings to tell people to stfu ... maybe you have a point lol
it may not be teaching tolerance. but singing songs like that, in my opinion, is their version of "spreading the word of god", which is not cool to do in schools. my kid shouldnt have to hear that garbage if i dont want him/her to.


Well-Known Member
it may not be teaching tolerance. but singing songs like that, in my opinion, is their version of "spreading the word of god", which is not cool to do in schools. my kid shouldnt have to hear that garbage if i dont want him/her to.
The seperation of Church and State died a long time ago. Pretty sad.

I don't believe in any religious "teachings", I have my own thoughts about it....but NO-ONE should be forced to listen to that shit in school.

If you try and use the "teaching tolerance" arguement, then you have to have EVERY religion represented if you have even one.


and on and on. Then different sects or off-shoots of each religion. By the time everyone got their equal opportunity to chime in, the fucking school day would be over.

IMO, they should be two totally different, seperate issues. Shit sure has changed since I was in school.

stona lady

i'm not religious but i don't like outright bans on religion even in a school. it's not as if anyone was forced to participate. next people will be able to pick what history lessons to exclude because how certain religions are protrayed. think of it as a cultural experience. if a muslim kid wanted to do some trick with his praying for the talent show i say have at it. it's almost like telling someone to tuck in their cross or star of david or whatever just because you don't want to look at it. who the hell cares? pony up the dough and send the kid to a private school that's more in line with your views if that's how you feel.


Well-Known Member
When I went to school in a free country every morning we said the pledge to the flag and morning prayer. Every body stood because people respected each other, don't find that much now days in my country. Southern born Southern breed and when I die I will be Southern dead.


Well-Known Member
When I went to school in a free country every morning we said the pledge to the flag and morning prayer. Every body stood because people respected each other, don't find that much now days in my country. Southern born Southern breed and when I die I will be Southern dead.
if my school had morning prayer, i wouldnt have even showed up. and i stopped saying "under god" in the pledge of allegience after like 4th grade. its not about respect. its about the school being a place of education, and religion should not be involved in the education process(in public american schools at least). if u decide to be a christian on your own time, so be it. but dont teach my kids that jesus is the lord when i expect them to be learning about science and math.


Well-Known Member
if my school had morning prayer, i wouldnt have even showed up. and i stopped saying "under god" in the pledge of allegience after like 4th grade. its not about respect. its about the school being a place of education, and religion should not be involved in the education process(in public american schools at least). if u decide to be a christian on your own time, so be it. but dont teach my kids that jesus is the lord when i expect them to be learning about science and math.
Singing a song is HARDLY teaching people about religion. Religious views and teachings may not be the best way to teach people, but you can't just be selective like that, thats what we call racists and anarchists. If you dont want to be subjected to that shit there are ways to get out of it like Stona said, private schools, home school or just don't go, bigotry is a nasty mask my friend, best change yer attitude.


Well-Known Member
if my school had morning prayer, i wouldnt have even showed up. and i stopped saying "under god" in the pledge of allegience after like 4th grade. its not about respect. its about the school being a place of education, and religion should not be involved in the education process(in public american schools at least). if u decide to be a christian on your own time, so be it. but dont teach my kids that jesus is the lord when i expect them to be learning about science and math.
I am glad that your school did not ruin your life with a morning prayer, that shit might have taught you some respect. What pisses me off is that you do not have enough respect for your children to let them deside for them selfs. You be strick on those kids and make sure that they don't know about any thing YOU don't believe in. As far as what they teach in public schools ask your kids about the founding fathers of this country. This is why this country is so screwed up it's got to be left or right, black or white, your way or my way, there is no middle ground. Sorry if I said any thing wrong or hurt your feelings. I still love you and please take real good care of your children they are the greatest people in the world.
I am glad that your school did not ruin your life with a morning prayer, that shit might have taught you some respect. What pisses me off is that you do not have enough respect for your children to let them deside for them selfs. You be strick on those kids and make sure that they don't know about any thing YOU don't believe in. As far as what they teach in public schools ask your kids about the founding fathers of this country. This is why this country is so screwed up it's got to be left or right, black or white, your way or my way, there is no middle ground. Sorry if I said any thing wrong or hurt your feelings. I still love you and please take real good care of your children they are the greatest people in the world.
and allowing the school faculty to force their religion upon your child by having him take morning prayer is allowing that child to choose for itself?

The simple fact of the matter is that the minds of children are very impressionable and religion should be an issue addressed at home by the child's parents. The public school system in America is absolutely appalling. The students minds like so many sponges, soaking up dirty water. The schools job is to impart knowledge, not dictate a set of moral boundaries. I want FACT in my schools, not conjecture.

Also, I can hardly stop laughing at the guy who suggested another poster shared the traits of racists and anarchists because he doesn't want religion in schools. Where do you get your weed, man? I'd like some stuff that would get me that fucked up.


Well-Known Member
Singing a song is HARDLY teaching people about religion. Religious views and teachings may not be the best way to teach people, but you can't just be selective like that, thats what we call racists and anarchists. If you dont want to be subjected to that shit there are ways to get out of it like Stona said, private schools, home school or just don't go, bigotry is a nasty mask my friend, best change yer attitude.
i can be selective like that. i dont like being reminded of their fairy tales.