Jaw Wired Shut: ::repost::


New Member
(someone's responsible for this tea all over my 'puter screen)

If they're ninja turtles, they'll just jump over the car and come back to snap his jaw again...

I don't think he should be saying bad things about them all over the web... they might be reading.


New Member
I'm not the least bit surprised you got your jaw broken.
I read your last thread about they way 'you thought' women like to be treated. :?:evil::twisted::roll:

:lol::clap::lol::clap::lol: ...but I'm not sure which thread is funnier.:roll:


New Member
The thing is with all this is that we're looking at live2die420 as the victim... but we have to ask ourselves what exactly led to this little nightmare of his in the first place.

Also, why would it take 2 guys to deck him while he is asleep? Why does it have to be two monster guys from the UFC that had to do it?

What about everyone else at the party, what were they doing? Laughing?

I just find it hard to picture... he's lying there on a settee (sofa), and these two huge guys, both bigger than he is, snap his jaw... and then they run off.

When your jaw gets broke you aint moving anywhere... why would two guys need to run away like that?

Every time I come to this thread and think about the guy's situation, too many things don't add up. Are we really sure this guy's old enough to be on here?


New Member
No kidding...you gotta read his other thread.
Just gotta.
The thing is with all this is that we're looking at live2die420 as the victim... but we have to ask ourselves what exactly led to this little nightmare of his in the first place.

Also, why would it take 2 guys to deck him while he is asleep? Why does it have to be two monster guys from the UFC that had to do it?

What about everyone else at the party, what were they doing? Laughing?

I just find it hard to picture... he's lying there on a settee (sofa), and these two huge guys, both bigger than he is, snap his jaw... and then they run off.

When your jaw gets broke you aint moving anywhere... why would two guys need to run away like that?

Every time I come to this thread and think about the guy's situation, too many things don't add up. Are we really sure this guy's old enough to be on here?


I wanna dissect it.

It was our high school homecoming and being that I had moved I had not seen any of my old pals for months.
Means he's under 18, or has been held back.

Matter of fact the dudes house that the party was at was on little league baseball team with me!
Another reason why he's not over 18 - I couldn't tell you who was on my little league team, or the last time I "partied" with anyone on it.

Being the somewhat idiotic moron I am. I broke my rule being that there were many of female there and decide to drink drink drink. 15 beers later and a threesome out of the way (sorry if that offended anyone lol) I passed out on the couch.

Apparently while I was passed out, two kids that did not like me climbed on top of me and started jacking me in the face!
First thing I thought was, nevermind let's not go there.

Entertaining thread, thumbs up.


Well-Known Member
next time you see them just kill them and end it becuse it will never stop thats what i had to do. lol fucking pussy beating up a drunk person real tuff. and DONT GO OR DRINK AT A PARTY WHERE THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT YOU HAVE RIPPED OFF.


New Member
It soundslike it was some type of sado-masochism party... lots of drink n drugs... threesomes, guys jacking in another guy's face while slapping him around at the same time...

Let this be a lesson to all... don't go to these type of parties.


Well-Known Member
if both the guys were that big and drunk i figure they would have kicked your ass way before you passed out. LIke when you went to beat off in the closet/threesome. Or maybe the threesome pushed them over the edge and they were gettin ready to kick your ass and you passed out so they decided to kick the shit out of you anyway. Maybe its just me but beers beer and if someone started to beat your face in while you were asleep on the couch you would notice. Just seems like there would be a middle part where you would notice before you passed out


New Member
LMAO!!!!! and then when you throw in his attitude towards women.......doh....broken jaw....all makes sense to me.
I wanna dissect it.

Means he's under 18, or has been held back.

Another reason why he's not over 18 - I couldn't tell you who was on my little league team, or the last time I "partied" with anyone on it.


First thing I thought was, nevermind let's not go there.

Entertaining thread, thumbs up.