Jaw Wired Shut: ::repost::


Well-Known Member
Well You can all thank this thread to an autonomous user of rollitup.org who simply begged me to repost it cause the dude deleted it before ahhha... (fdd cough cough:twisted:)

Anywho here we go.

It was Friday October the 5th. It was our high school homecoming and being that I had moved I had not seen any of my old pals for months. I was so excited to see everyone and even though the homecoming game is a little juvenile in my opinion it did not matter to me cause everyone was going to be there. I left my house and met up with my good friend Pat, we had some beers and toked a good bit before we went of course! Getting there fashionably late we saw a lot of people we knew, a lot of people that knew us that we didn't know, and a lot of teachers that we didn't want to see lol. After the game there was a party that pat and I and some other old friends were invited to. I decided to go although I am usually not a huge partier I like to keep to myself. When I got there it was awsome. It was only guys that were out of school no little kiddies. And almost everyone there were guys that I had grown up with in cub scouts that I had not seen in years. Matter of fact the dudes house that the party was at was on little league baseball team with me! Go figure.

Being the somewhat idiotic moron I am. I broke my rule being that there were many of female there and decide to drink drink drink. 15 beers later and a threesome out of the way (sorry if that offended anyone lol) I passed out on the couch.

Next thing I know I woke up in Shock Trauma!!!!

Apparently while I was passed out, two kids that did not like me climbed on top of me and started jacking me in the face! What pussies! (excuse the language)

When I woke up in shock trauma there was a doctor in front of me telling me not to move that my jaw and my chin were broken and that I needed surgery. I had nooo pain since I was still prbbly drunk off my ass so I told them not to give me any pain meds. I layed there for a while and before the surgery they got the nitrous oxide in me and knocked me out.

Well one month later im typing this.... I had to have my mouth wired shut, thats right like Kanye West, as in I was sipping through a straw for a month!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate it. I am already a skinny dude (6'2" 160 pounds) and in this past month sipping through a straw I have lost 30 pounds! Being that I literally felt like I was starving to death something had to be done. I was out of pain and my jaw mostly felt better. So Yesterday (tuesday the 30th) I decided to cut the wires on my own. Good news is everythings still ok. I haven't heard any popping of anything bad. And I got to eat two cup cakes, some salad, and rice. Bad news is my jaw muscles are so tense from being closed so long I can only get my mouth open wide enough to get a spoon in there. So Most of my motion is limited to swallowing only lol, but hey at least i get to eat. And let me tell you buttered rice never tasted so good! Tommorow (thrusday) I go in for my follow up appointment and scans. I can't wait to see the look on the Docs face when my wires are cut lmao. God bless food. I can't wait to have a huge ass King size Burger King sandwich lol. Or hell a super size Big Mac meal from MCdonalds. Some homemade meatloaf, French Toast, Toast, chips, fooooooddddd The list goes on. I can't wait to eat again!!!!

Oh and you might be wondering about those little fuckers that did this.

the police have followed up on them with 2nd degree assault charges, and they both signed statements saying that they did indeed hit me (morons!). I am also taking them to civil court. the good thing is that one of them is a minor so I will be able to get goobers of money from his rich little stuck up parents. And the other kids a legal adult so he will just be giving me money from his paychecks for the rest of his life... Pricks.

To be honest I'm glad it happened. It proves to me once again that Marijuana=Good, Beer=Bad. If I had not been passed out, they wouldn't have done anything. I saw them the whole party, they didn't do anything while I was awake!!! I broke the no drinking at a party rule, but you know what. My lawyer, my dads lawyer, and a lawyer we have not used before all said that theres almost 100% chance since they signed statements saying they hit me, that I can get a whoolllllee lot of suffering money for this in court. Like as in I will never have to work again! Thats right up my ally. Well i guess anyones ally lol. Come to think of it. I would let anyone break my jaw again, Hell I'd let them break any limb on my body whenever they want to If I can get that much money that I never have to worry again. So what do I have to say to those kids?

Thanks guys:spew:Keep up the good work! Even though Its been hard. It was worth it!!


Well-Known Member
Goodluck with your case, hey maybe when we both get our settlements we can throw together a MASSIVE grow LOL, i just found out today i cant work for another 2-3 weeks and i need surgery next week hoorray, well not really, im looking forward to my settlement tho, although it wont come till a year or so down the road


Master of Mayhem
So why did they lay into you while you were passed out? What did you do to them? Did the threesome you had involve someones old lady?


Well-Known Member
no no no. Back when I used to sell. They robbed me and i robbed them back. It was there turn to get me. Unfortunately for them there minors and this is ridiculous=great settlement money. threesome was apparently some blond girl named Sasha (what a stripper name lol) and some brunette name Bridgette. I personally didnt remember there names and had to ask my buddy pat.


Well-Known Member
Thats awsome i hope you get a good deal out of that i agree i would let someone beat the living shit outa me if it made it so i never had to work again i hate work im lazy as hell lol


Well-Known Member
yea dude its so straight the legal system is so fucked up and I finally got my break to exploit it to my full financial gain! lol. Its really so funny im going to be taking both of those familys cars, house etc. Fuckers. Two wrongs dont make a right you say? Not in my book. You steal my bud, you deserve to get a beating, you break my jaw, I kill you or I'll just make you poor. Poor sounds good to me, some say im a pot head that try's to do everything and half ass shit. In my mind I look at things before I start them and try to think of the most efficient non-physical way to do them. Lazy? thats smart in my opinion. Screw those kids and there families that did a horrible job at raising them. Hey fdd maybe with some of the money Ill buy up some remote property in west Virgina Pay for your family to move out there and grow dank shit with you hahah. That would be straight as shit. Just pay for you to live with me. Pay for everything all your familes food, bills etc. Since you can grow weed legally. Well I guess you couldnt in west virgina so ill jsut buy uip some redneck ass trailer park in cali, bulldoze it, and build both of our families a nice house. And Jsut get you all the little growing supplies your little legal growing self needs. Your only allowed ten plants a month you say? Lets just grow ten of those trees you grew fdd while we ride around in our pimped golf carts and wear flannel shirts all day like the money grubbing lucky redneck I am. Hell yea. You will be getting a call from me again soon D man when I get my multi million settlement when I have bought us the trailer park! lol


I think I have a great idea for all the poor people on this site. But you have to be willing to hurt yourself.

Find a rich little wigger momas boy. Just keep pissing him off. He thinks he a gangster or whatever so he'll kick your ass one day. AND LET HIm. Let him break your arm. Hell break it for him. But make sure that a lot of witness are there. Then just sue the little prick and take his money. BAsically what happend to me. But hey youll never have to live like a bum again! lol


New Member
A lot of this doesn't add up... now i'm not saying that you're under 18, but you do sound like you are.

You're a drug dealer, who got robbed by a couple of little kids. You in turn rob them back... you see them at a party, and you think everything's cool so pass out on the settee after having a threesome with two strippers, whereby the little kids get their revenge?

Were they dressed as ninja turtles?


Well-Known Member
That sucks dude my buddy has his jaw broken in a fight too :( He lost a ton of weight as well....drank all of his meals through a straw for months I'm pretty sure


Well-Known Member
I am....why even post shit like this. This is a mary jane growing site, not a I got the shit beat out of me, and now look at me Im rich website. cool man. go tell someone who cares.
I was sitting here reading through it all, then it dawned on me, I dont give a flying fuck about it. Probably not true anyway.


Well-Known Member
I only see one prick...

You're a drug dealer that gets beat up and robbed by little kids... do you actually make any money?
Hey be nice Skunk. He's not a drug dealer, he's a herbal healer who brings medicine to the ppl. I don't see that as any different than doctors who shove pills down are throats.