Javadog's Next Adventure

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i have killed more seed ( not MJ ) with those damn things i wont buy them
this spring i purchased 20 boxes of the 36 count peat pellets. i only use them for clones and have great success using them. i ran out of them last year and could only find a few.

as soon as home depot put them on the shelf, i was loading them in my basket. they should last me a while.


Well-Known Member
Well, I plan on up-potting the two strongest of the new sprouts, Skunk #47
and BC Bud Depot's GSC, along with a strong Smelly Cherry and
...and this is just what I did.

These four plants are in 5 gallon hempys.

I am not in a situation where I could hardly find the space to
give a clone a beer cup! Seriously. Not to worry, as in 2-3 weeks
I have three plants coming out of the tent and the best of these
will go in.

I am editing some pics.



Well-Known Member
Here they are...patiently waiting to get into the light better:

We will see who wins the net slots in the tent...



Well-Known Member
I could not fit a clone in a beer-cup into this now:

Take care all. I am working around the house today, and
will be back in the Salt Mines tomorrow.



Well-Known Member

Hello! Large Crusty Plant Taken!

LOL Hoping that this finds you all happy and healthy.

I got home this afternoon and fed the Veggers some compost tea.

Zero space to work! These next two weeks are going to seem longer
for is harder to work than ever. Really not the end of things
though, as I managed to just lean over, with a hand on the wall
or the table, to feed them all.

The Jacks Cleaner 2 is drying nicely and might get bagged soon.



Well-Known Member
Hey FSS, it is very cool to see you here. Welcome! I appreciate the good word.

TC, that is Jack's Cleaner 2. That was my attempt at a funny
"Yoohoo, buds here" after posting the few shots that I did take
when I harvested it (and look back, as it had lovely structure...TGA!)
got zeros posts. lol, I am way past worrying about attention,
but did think that it was funny.

My slow spots are *always* bud driven....know that. :0)

Well, there are family and work too.



Well-Known Member
Ah sweet I can't wait for the smoke report on that. It hadn't occured to me that it was the same plant as above when I posted :).

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
LOL... I had to use this length of PVC pipe to help me reach them all a while ago. Total overgrow for around 10 days, I had to pack them out from the side, it was a little messy.


Well-Known Member
I know...I made this a long time ago now, and laughed about
it when I posted the photo, but it has been a standard tool. LOL

TC, I did a quick dry taste and the Jacks Cleaner 2 is interesting.
The Lemon *might* be more smell than taste, but smell is a lot of
taste and the cure will change it further. The smell is amazing!

I did not see any seeds though. I am hoping for a few
"Jack The Cleaner" beans. :0)



Well-Known Member
damn javaman your doing work bro good fuckin job, wow, more strain then a seedbank getter done growing ant as easy as most people think it really is a second job


Well-Known Member
Thank you both.

Went out to see Peter Murphy tonight.

He threw in one Bauhaus song for the old timers, "She's in Parties".

It was a very good show. He has top notch talent on stage with him.



Well-Known Member
hey java buddy i was wondering if you could help me out with a good tea to use on my outdoor plants im new to the teas and if i use bottle nutez it will kill my mycos and organism i see alot of people do ewc and molases in a 5 gallon bucket with a airstone for a day or 2 is that a good tea or should i add some other stuff like bat shit and do i just throw it in or put in a sock or something similar if you could help me out so i dont have to read a million posts i would appreciated thanks bigworm