Its only weed at the end of the day


Active Member
Well just thought i would start a journal on my latest grow .
Just finnished a grow and now im kicking myself for not taking cuttings . So now im starting from seed again .
These are seeds from a friend , they were germanated on wednesday 7th April and tap roots showed on 8th , potted into 5ltr pots with perlite . They are vegging under 4 , 4 ft floro`s , light cycle is on 16 and off for 8 hours . I have always had my veg lights on for 24/7 on all previous grows but thought i would try this cycle. Not giving any nutes as of yet , Hope you people will ride this new adventure with me as help and advice is always helpful . Thanks again pics arnt much to look at but its a start



Active Member
well just thought i would update my Journal . Not much really happening at the minute . Started these seeds in 5ltr pots (first time) i usually start in 4inch pots . Anyway started in 5 ltr pots and decided to go back to the 4 inchers as that is what ive used for the last 5-6 grows . These plants are now about 10 days old now from first popping soil on 8th .
I started off with 6 seeds but today decided to pot another 2 seeds into soil , so 8 in total and in going to keep the best 6 ,
On one of my plants there is 3 leafs on each branch instead of the normal 2 , Has anyone grew owt like this and if so what was the outcome ??
My temps are 76- 78 light on and 62 -64 when light is off . RH is at round about 45 50% so not worried about that .
I think that if i didnt start these seeds in the 5 ltr pots and just done them my normal way with the 4 inchers then these plants would of been a little better but then again i dont think there is no harm in experimenting .
PH levels are between 6.5 and 6.6 , i always try to aim for 6.5 . The temps are going to start to be real problems soon as the weather over here in England is starting to pick right up now ,, May even have to get another extractor wired up . At the minute im only using 4 , 4ft floros and if my couboard door is shut my temps can reach well into the 90`s .Anyway going to go and have a blunt then get in the bath , Any advice welcome , Or even better ,, A reply would be nice LOL



Active Member
Well time for a little update of my grow . This is one month later . Started to flower these plants on 2nd may and started to show hairs 5 days later . Got my 6 plants under 400w hps and another 4 weeks of flowering im going to add another 250w hps lamp .
Bulb im using is Sunmaster Deluxe 55,000 lumens . Only gave plants one shot of chempak 12.5,25,25 @ quater strenth , 2ml bio bizz bloom and 3ml of seaweed extract , also added one drop of superthrive to a ltr water , all nutes added were per ltr of water ph`d @ 6.5 .
Temps are at a steady 81-83f lights on and 65-68f lights off . Humidity when lights on is 32-36% . Humidity when lights off is 64-69% .
These pics were taken some days ago , maybe about 6-7 , Will have to take some later but for now please have a look and give opinions pls . This is my 3rd grow and just used bagseed for my grows for the practice really and i think im going to get some feminized seeds now , so maybe on my way to the dam for a couple of days . Foooooooking love the dam , WEH HEY



Well-Known Member
looking great so far, i started flowering mine on the 2nd also :D. take any cuttings yet?


Active Member
No i didnt take cutting as these are just bag seed so expecting them to hermi round about week 6-7 of flower , just been growing for experiance and going to Amsterdam in a month or so , so going to get some fem seeds from there . These plants were only vegged for 3 weeks if you work out the days from the start of jornel . So only flowered for 8 days so far .


Active Member
Well woke up this morning and me back was killing me so taking the day off work ,
Going to do the housework instead but first just thought i would give update of grow .
Thinks are going ok @ the minute no real change since last update .
Last feeding was only 2ml bio bizz bloom , drop superthrive and 3ml seaweed extract .
Plants are due for a feed tommorow so on this feed im going to add 5ml chempak which is higher Nitrogen than the bio bizz .
Im also going to up the dossage of the bloom to 4ml .
Started to add blackstrap molasses now with waterings , only going with the blackstrap on every other watering . plants are getting 1500ml water every 3 days - 4 days .
Temps are now @80.9 , this has been changing over the last couple of days here in the NORTH EAST of ENGLAND . Night time temps for plants are 74f which is pritty good .
Humidity is @ 47% , could be a little lower but still good .
Heres a couple of pics .These are 4 plants out of 8 . My other friend has the other 4 .



Active Member
So its been 3 weeks since the last update , dont know why im doing this as not getting much responce but as you can see they have come on nice over the last 3 weeks , they been on 12/12 since 2nd may , started showing hairs round about 5-6 days later ,
Gave them all 3ltrs plain ph`ed water @ 6.5 going in and coming out @6.8 run off . Temps are sometimes as high as 85f but thats at the peak of the day , Normally i try to get the temps round about 80-82 ish , Humidity is all over @ the minuite ranging from 40 right up to 55 but i can live with that . Next watering will be in a couple of days , then going to hit these little monsters with 4ml bio bloom , 1ml superthrive , 4ml seeweed extract and a teaspoon of mollasses . On my last grow i used a TABLESPOON mollasses every watering and im sure it was too much for my last crop as the bottom 3rd of my pots always felt real heavy . I think it affected the roots .
So this grow decided to not use as much and i think i was right in doing so as i dont have the same problem now . 3 plants stand @ 32 inches tall , and one is 32 inches ,the last pic is to show the over all colour of my plants , The main colas are from 10-12 inches in lenth and carnt wait until they start to swell up , they just starting to crystel nicely, the smell is absorlutly ( sorry for spelling ) knock out , Very lemony and getting nice and sticky .
Anyway tell me what you think and if anyone has any questions or critasisam fire away .
Heres my pics



Active Member
Killer grow boss! Hehe, i feel your pain as far as lack of posts.... Nobody follows me either :) Do u generally grow from seed or clippings?


Active Member
I grow from seed , that way not getting any pests,
Been offered lots of cutting though , but nah dont like them .
Ive got my light about 8 inches from my plants . The temps go up a little (85) @ the highest but then just increase the air flow but these seem to be coping with the high temps , they putting on some fatness now and starting to lock together and bud up . Gotta go , wife wants to go on facebook , she hasnt said but can tell by the look of thunder in her eyes while watching T.V .


Active Member
Well heres a couple of pics , these are just going into 7th week of i think is a 9 week strain .
They starting to really put on weight now , these pics may not show it but belive me they are getting fat and sticky , smelly .
Carnt smell nothing until someone opens the door to the stairs and fucking hell , the aroma is just blistening .
Tried to take a couple of pics through the scope post some pics of the tri`s but carnt get the focus right so didnt bother but the tri`s are all over , just standing to attention with big fat fucking heads on them , they all just about milky so roll on the amber .
This weed is going to be sooooooooo fucking nice i dont want to cut them down.
These pics are of just one of my plants as couldnt be arsed to get them all out and take pics but they are all roughly the same in size and fatness .
Gave these plants there last feed of bloom last sunday and now only going to give Molasses .
Heres a couple of pics , let me know what you guys think .
Pic 1 ,2, &5 are side buds



Active Member
Heres a pic of one of my plants that is growing outside . Started to LST it as me neighbours are old BUT nosey .
Anyway one pic is the front and the other is the back .
The stem is nice and strong , only gave them seeweed extract and just let nature do its job . Let me know what you people think

