It's Not Easy Being Ultra-Rich


Well-Known Member
By Barbara Ehrenreich, Posted September 3, 2007.

This Labor Day lets not forget those among us who are the most fortunate.

On Labor Day we customarily give a nod to America's underpaid and overworked blue and pink collar workers -- janitors, flight attendants, forklift operators and the like.

But this year let's go a step further and salute the most reviled and despised of the people who make our economy happen, the mere mention of whom causes the average forklift operator to spit on the floor. You are thinking perhaps of telemarketers, human traffickers, and the fiends who answer the phone when you to try to make a claim on your health insurance. But I'm talking about our CEOs.

Just in time for the holiday, two liberal groups -- United for a Fair Economy and the Institute for Policy Studies -- have issued a gleefully malicious new attack on our CEO class. They point out that the CEOs of large companies earn an average of $10.8 million a year, which is 362 times as much as the average American worker, and retire with $10.1 million in their special exclusive CEO pension funds.

They further point out that the compensation of US CEOs wildly exceeds that of their European counterparts, who, we are invited to believe, work equally hard.

And, in what they must think is their cleverest point of all, the UFE/IPS folks state that: "The 20 highest-paid individuals at publicly traded corporations last year took home, on average, $36.4 million. That's ... 204 times more than the 20 highest-paid generals in the U.S. military."

You know what we're supposed to think here: Wow, but generals have all that responsibility! They're responsible for national security, or at least for conducting the wars that increase the threats to our national security and thus help justify ever greater increases in our national security apparatus!

But someone has to speak up for our beleaguered CEO class, and let me begin with that spurious comparison to the top military brass. Could we put patriotic emotion aside for a moment and look at this in a hard-headed, bottom-line, sort of way?

Suppose you are the general responsible for all the service people currently in Iraq, about 130,000 in round numbers, and suppose you manage to lose every single one of them in some ghastly miscalculation. With the death benefit for the family of a dead soldier running at $100,000, your mistake will cost a total of $13 billion. Sounds like a lot, I know, until you consider that a hedge fund manager or financial company CEO can lose that much in a single afternoon, without anyone even noticing. Q.E.D., there is simply no comparison between a general and a CEO.

That's a side issue though. The real point, which the CEOs and their usual defenders are strangely reticent about making, is that it's damn expensive to be rich, and extravagantly expensive to be super-rich.

Before you start playing your air violins, consider the costs of maintaining up to five different homes, some of them up to 45,000 square feet in size, most with swimming pools, tennis courts, guest houses, and wine cellars requiring constant supervision.

The poor whine about having no home at all, or maybe a two-bedroom apartment for a family of six. They should just think for one moment of the tribulations involved in running four or more mansions, each with its own full-time staff. There's the problem of getting between them, for example. A friend of mine, of very modest means himself, consults for a billionaire couple who commute between London and Los Angeles by private jet, with their dogs following in a second private jet.

But much of what we know about the extreme costs of wealth comes from Wall Street Journal columnist Robert Frank's recent book Richistan. The ultra-rich, who are drawn largely from the CEO class, require staffs of about 40-50 people, including not only cooks, maids and nannies, but "lifestyle managers" (to set up the entertainment schedule) and -- in a throw-back to the original gilded age -- butlers.

It's the butler's job, among other things, to deal with any issues that may arise from the proliferation of homes. For example, if the boss is in Palm Beach, Frank reports, "and wants to send his jet to New York to pick up a Chateau LaTour from his South Hampton cellar, the butler makes it happen, no questions asked."

Nor are the ultra-rich in a position to cut back on their expenses -- by, say, running down to the supermarket for a $12 bottle of chardonnay. If they were to do so, their friends would despise them. As Frank explains, the Richistani word "affluent," meaning someone with less than $10 million in assets, translates into English roughly as "scum."

A mean-spirited critic of the ultra-rich CEO class might grumble that the rich should simply find a new circle of friends. But who exactly might these new friends be? If you were in the $100- million-in-assets set, you could hardly consort with the class of people for whom a pittance like $10,000 might be a transformative sum, possibly allowing granny to get her insulin and the children to have warm winter clothes.

People of that class could not be trusted not to pocket the silverware or rip out the gold fixtures in your powder room. They might even make a lunge for your throat.

(Barbara Ehrenreich admits to being on the board of the Institute for Policy Studies.)


New Member
Now that was hilarious and true. The facts are, that we can do nothing about these wealth stealers, hoarders of treasure and livers of oppulence outside of open rebellion, and that most assuredly would be quashed by the thugs known as Police and National guard. These new megarich don't know how to act like the responsible rich of old, no huge charitable contributions, (I think those are to appease their conscience) or programs to help the poor. "Let them eat cake" (shit)!


New Member
Just more class envy:

Ehrenreich was born Barbara Alexander to Isabelle Oxley and Ben Alexander. Her father was a copperminer who went on to study at Carnegie Mellon University and who eventually became an executive at the Gillette Corporation. Ehrenreich studied physics at Reed College, graduating in 1963. Her senior thesis was entitled Electrochemical oscillations of the silicon anode. In 1968, she received a Ph.D in cell biology from Rockefeller University.
Citing her interest in social change ([1]), she opted for political activism, instead of pursuing a scientific career. She met her first husband, John Ehrenreich, during an anti-war activism campaign in New York City.
In 1970, her first child, Rosa (later Rosa Brooks), was born. Her second child, Benjamin, was born in 1972. Barbara divorced John and in 1983 married Gary Stevenson, a warehouse employee who later became a union organizer. She divorced Stevenson in the early 1990s.
From 1991 to 1997, Ehrenreich was a regular columnist for Time magazine. Currently, she contributes regularly to The Progressive.
Ehrenreich has also written for the New York Times, Mother Jones, The Atlantic Monthly, Ms, The New Republic, Z Magazine, In These Times,, and other publications.
In 1998 and 2000, she taught essay writing at the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley.
In 2004, Ehrenreich wrote a month-long guest column for the New York Times while regular columnist Thomas Friedman was on leave and she was invited to stay on as a columnist. She declined, saying that she preferred to spend her time more on long-term activities, such as book-writing.
Ehrenreich was diagnosed with breast cancer shortly after the release of her book, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. In her article "Welcome to Cancerland," published in the November 2001 issue of Harper's Magazine, she describes her breast cancer experience and debates the medical industry's problems with the issue of breast cancer.
In 2006, Ehrenreich founded United Professionals, an organization whose website,, describes it as "a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization for white-collar workers, regardless of profession or employment status. We reach out to all unemployed, underemployed, and anxiously employed workers — people who bought the American dream that education and credentials could lead to a secure middle class life, but now find their lives disrupted by forces beyond their control."
Ehrenreich is currently an honorary co-chair of the Democratic Socialists of America. She also serves on the NORML Board of Directors.


Well-Known Member
You Know what Vi, I am getting sick and tired of you calling anyone who doesn't agree with your 1950's thinking a Socialist and Communist. Sen. Joseph McCarthy was wrong then as he is would be now. It is the So-called Conservatives who have ran this country into the ground. If you weren't so stupid you would see that the Democrats and the Republicans have changed places in the political Spectrum. Also if you haven't noticed that Corporations are the new Communism and your so-called Free trade is based on global socialism. God Damn Vi, pull your head out of your ass.
The Rules which you learned to play no longer apply.


New Member
You Know what Vi, I am getting sick and tired of you calling anyone who doesn't agree with your 1950's thinking a Socialist and Communist. Sen. Joseph McCarthy was wrong then as he is would be now. It is the So-called Conservatives who have ran this country into the ground. If you weren't so stupid you would see that the Democrats and the Republicans have changed places in the political Spectrum. Also if you haven't noticed that Corporations are the new Communism and your so-called Free trade is based on global socialism. God Damn Vi, pull your head out of your ass.
The Rules which you learned to play no longer apply.
1. Guess what, Dank ... I could give a shit less if you are getting sick and tired of anything I post. What you think really doesn't matter much to me.

2. If you think I suffer from 1950's thinking ... read the fucking article. I didn't write it ... I just posted it. Now if you don't agree, take issue with the article and point out where the untruths are.

Here. If you missed it the first time:

Ehrenreich is currently an honorary co-chair of the Democratic Socialists of America.

3. And as the debates continue, you become more and more insulting. Why don't you try to strengthen your arguments instead of just slinging mud?



Well-Known Member
Whats wrong with class envy Vi, why, after all I am not the one responsible for the distruction of the american middle class, THEY ARE!!!


New Member
Whats wrong with class envy Vi, why, after all I am not the one responsible for the distruction of the american middle class, THEY ARE!!!
Ask anyone who has lived under any of the police states in Eastern Europe during the reign of the failed Soviet Union what's wrong with class envy. You'll get a real eye opener.



Well-Known Member
Eastern Europe was a corrupt socialist state, and just like in America today there were ultra rich 5% and poor 95% the only difference is instead of CEO they were called Deputy or Director of so and so... So Vi , current american system is much like the corrupt socialism of the eastern Europe eccept we dont have the fr4ee healthcare or free higher education , and oh yeah, our public education is way worse than theyrs ever were...


Well-Known Member
1. Guess what, Dank ... I could give a shit less if you are getting sick and tired of anything I post. What you think really doesn't matter much to me.

2. If you think I suffer from 1950's thinking ... read the fucking article. I didn't write it ... I just posted it. Now if you don't agree, take issue with the article and point out where the untruths are.

Here. If you missed it the first time:

Ehrenreich is currently an honorary co-chair of the Democratic Socialists of America.

3. And as the debates continue, you become more and more insulting. Why don't you try to strengthen your arguments instead of just slinging mud?

you know what Vi I'm done with you. your wrong, you have no compassion for your fellow man unless they have a shit load of money in their pockets. You are closed minded and don't have the brain that God gave a piss ant. Your 1950's thinking is only going to get this country into more of a morass than it is all ready. Let me know when you have a catastrophic illness hit you and your insurance cancels you. Because that is what's going to happen.

Just because I or anyone else doesn't believe just the way you do, doesn't make them a communist. And talk about insults, you hurl more insults than I ever thought of doing. So don't worry I won't ask you for any money out of your wallet, I hope you choke on all the money you horde, just remember can not take with you, not that I care if you were to use it help your fellow man you selfish son of a bitch.

I once considered you a friend regardless of political affiliation, but just the fact that you have repeated called me a communist and socialist you have lost me as a friend and advocate.


New Member
I doubt VI has any friends outside the leeches he hangs with, at least no common folk. He is a wannabee and has just enough money to have that phony superior attitude I've seen so many times in the almost rich assholes throughout my life. Hell I saw them in High school, the kids that their parents owned the local businesses that were so popular and thought their shit didn't stink,all the way up to some bosses I had that thought they were JC incarnate. You'll never win them over, and they'll never change their minds, so it's best to just call them as you see them, in VIs case, he's a fucking leech feeding off customers with excessive profiteering that he'd never admit in a thousand years, because in his pea brain, he has justified that scenario. The only solution to those kind of people, sorry to say, is to shoot them in the fucking brainpan, ~LOL~.


New Member
Gee ... I didn't mean to piss you two guys off. Honest. :) I just wish you two would have the decency to stay away from inane personal attacks. You take all the fun out of the debate by reacting as you two did in your last posts in this thread.


PS: Dank, if you ever learn to debate politics in a rational manner, without personal attacks, come and see me. And by the way ... if you espouse socialist viewpoints, what's wrong with me point that out? You continually back socialist economic solutions to market problems, then get pissed off when someone points you toward the truth. What's wrong with that picture?

And you, Med ... you are the biggest name caller and insulter in the forum. You have no rational arguments and only rebut posts with insults. Its not suprising though ... that's what most leftists do when they can't rationally support their positions. If anyone supports free market solutions to social problems, you think that's greed. Well, I have news for you, the private sector is way more efficient than anything government can do, other than kill people and break things. If Katrina wasn't a wake up call for you ... then I honestly don't know what would be.

Nuff said ...


New Member
And by the way, Dankster ... exactly what kind of a reaction were you expecting to see from me regarding this post you made?

Originally Posted by Dankdude
You Know what Vi, I am getting sick and tired of you calling anyone who doesn't agree with your 1950's thinking a Socialist and Communist. Sen. Joseph McCarthy was wrong then as he is would be now. It is the So-called Conservatives who have ran this country into the ground. If you weren't so stupid you would see that the Democrats and the Republicans have changed places in the political Spectrum. Also if you haven't noticed that Corporations are the new Communism and your so-called Free trade is based on global socialism. God Damn Vi, pull your head out of your ass.
The Rules which you learned to play no longer apply.


New Member
Gee ... I didn't mean to piss you two guys off. Honest. :) I just wish you two would have the decency to stay away from inane personal attacks. You take all the fun out of the debate by reacting as you two did in your last posts in this thread.


PS: Dank, if you ever learn to debate politics in a rational manner, without personal attacks, come and see me. And by the way ... if you espouse socialist viewpoints, what's wrong with me point that out? You continually back socialist economic solutions to market problems, then get pissed off when someone points you toward the truth. What's wrong with that picture?

And you, Med ... you are the biggest name caller and insulter in the forum. You have no rational arguments and only rebut posts with insults. Its not suprising though ... that's what most leftists do when they can't rationally support their positions. If anyone supports free market solutions to social problems, you think that's greed. Well, I have news for you, the private sector is way more efficient than anything government can do, other than kill people and break things. If Katrina wasn't a wake up call for you ... then I honestly don't know what would be.

Nuff said ...
It's not "the government" it's "this" government, the Bush-Cheney clusterfuck they call government. BTW, you dole out plenty of insults, I guess your memory is about as long as your dick, eh.


New Member
It's not "the government" it's "this" government, the Bush-Cheney clusterfuck they call government. BTW, you dole out plenty of insults, I guess your memory is about as long as your dick, eh.
There you go ... worrying about my dick again. I'm tellin' you Med, I really have my doubts about ya. ~lol~

And about my insults ... I only react in an insulting manner to those who insult first. See my last post to Dank in this thread.



New Member
There you go ... worrying about my dick again. I'm tellin' you Med, I really have my doubts about ya. ~lol~

And about my insults ... I only react in an insulting manner to those who insult first. See my last post to Dank in this thread.

So I guess it he said he said, wow, I think this is denegrating into pre-school levels, I'll just say this: Beeeaaach.


Well-Known Member
Boy it feels good to have certain people on Ignore.
Those people who are on that list, I'm done with.


New Member
Boy it feels good to have certain people on Ignore.
Those people who are on that list, I'm done with.
Geeze dank, how ya gonna piss em off on ignore? We know we can't change them so just piss em off every chance you get. Go after VIs licentious leeching off of his "customers". I see Wavels must be busy also. Ya gotta know those guys are so fucking brainwashed they are beyond help. If you don't agree with them you're a commie pinko big government idiot. You can't win against those small minds. so just sit back and relax and fire up a fatty and read other peoples responses to them untill you get pissed enough to come back with a bang, I'll miss your in-depth posts, but if you don't want to talk to the idiots, I'll challenge them for you. They all think I'm a pinko anyway, as in who cares., Remember, I got so fed up that I actually left the site for a couple a months, but you can't get away with the stuff on other sites like this one, IE calling VI a pusillanimous slut.


Well-Known Member
OK ENOUGH!!!! VI, MED, DANK, I have been following this feud for a week now , yes , you all have some valid point however those points are hard to see through the BULLSHIT! I know sometimes we all get hard headed and pissed of and that is ok but THIS is bullshit, It is a waste its like a bunch of third graders spitting on each other...I propose the trouth, a seasefire, after all I would like to have a dialog with someone about the issues at hand...Vi , can we continue the disscussion about the similarities and differences of corrupt socialist economics and the present state of corrupt capitalism? Dank and Med, I know we dont share alot of vews with 7x and Vi but it doesnt really accomplish anything to resort to insults (I'm not a saint , I've done it my self) but I belive it shows weakness in our logical thoght, thank you in advance Krime13.