Is this real life?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
LOL what a muppet, just keep spamming away. Last i checked genetics didn't really have much to do with keeping in shape, you could have the best genetics in the world and still be a 400lb fatso :D


Well-Known Member
I hate this forum more an more with every new member that joins. Where does it say in the ToS that you HAVE to one-up previous new members with more stupidity, illiteracy, and trolling?

Fuck RIU nowadays


Well-Known Member
I like talking to police about my grows...

They always seem really interested, I think deep down inside they've all got a little cannabis green thumb in them.


Well-Known Member
Actually the first thing I heard coming out of the train station the other day after a pickup was two policemen casually discussing how nice it is that cannabis is legal in Amsterdam ^^;

I sat and smoked next to them whilst waiting for my bus.

But seriously, the trolling just makes everyone agitated and possibly intolerant of perfectly fine new members; the assumption is that if they make the tiniest faux pas, they are a trollin'. Yes, this guy seems a little inconsistant. I know I can be infantile at times, but his literacy skills seem to fluctuate in level erratically 0_o;


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Okay, I have to admit that video came to mind immediately after I read the thread title. THought I'd resist the urge to be mischievous ;3


Active Member
Okay, I have to admit that video came to mind immediately after I read the thread title. THought I'd resist the urge to be mischievous ;3
Totally thought it was going to be someone that just discovered that video, then I saw multiple posts, including his "couple hours of being here" post and decided it was just going to be someone that cries troll once he starts to get picked on for supplying us with quotes like.

guys go slowly on my ass


Well-Known Member
I mean seriously. Just look at my signature. Probably top 10 all time signatures. Ever.


Well-Known Member
Someone's gotta supply quotes for the lulz.

You know how many japs are creasing when an american or english kid fucks about on their forums?

It works both ways...

...Which is why it is perfectly okay to exploit- quote away! X3