Is this plant male or female?


I'm horrified because there's these little things that suggest it may be male, but it's not obvious. It's getting really difficult. I've had it flowering for at least 3 weeks or so.


bud bootlegger
kind of hard to tell from that pix m8.. hate to be a bother, but could you snap a few more for me to look at?? try and get in between the nodes about half way down the plant or so as this is where you will find the preflowers usually..
also, another pix of the top only from the side view would help as well.. :D


bud bootlegger
it's tough, but for the simple fact that i don't see any pistils it tells me it's a male.. i do kind of see what looks to be male flower, stamen, in that last pix as well, but i'm mostly going off of lack of pistils.. that looks to be a pretty developed male flower to me as well.. :(


bud bootlegger
yeah, that sucks ass for sure.. i hate males as i'm not a breeder and have no use for them what so ever.. that's why i'm becoming a huge fan of feminized seeds as i haven't had anything but females from my fem'ed seeds and no hermie issues either..

i'd let it go for awhile if you don't have any other plants going on atm.. also, males can be fun to play around with and try out all sorts of crazy stuff you'd never want to try on a healthy female.. tie that sucker up, bend him over, cut off every other fan leaf, do w/e sick thought you've ever had in your head.. get it out now... see if you can't keep it healthy while torturing it..


New Member
if you have more than one female, put two in a room alone and breed them, youll have tons of seeds.

post pictures up in a week, it may not be a male, but i dont see any pistils yet either, and that 'bud' already looks like its forming