Is this even a marijuana plant?


Active Member
PICTURES! Hi.... I planted some seeds 10 days ago that were already germinated, These sprouts probably popped up 6-7 days ago but I'm not sure if they are even marijuana or if it is just some random shit that was in the soil? Let me know what you think!


Fallen Soul

Active Member
Yeah the last 2 kinda do but dont at the same time. The first 2 are definitely do not look like marijuana plants.


Active Member
There weeds alright, just compost weeds. None not even close. You should of put tooth pics where you planted the seeds. bad parent you are loosing your babies. just kiddding.


Active Member
Try the macro setting on your camera if you got one. Especially for the third one...but it doesn't really matter. They don't look like greenery. Where did you get the seeds?


Well-Known Member
Nope, this is not sweet leaf.

Sorry, bro. Looks like you have a violet or morning glory in pics 1 and 2, and for pics 3 and 4 I have no clue wtf you got there.


Well-Known Member
second pic and first kinda look like basil. for sure its not anything you wanna put in your bong and smoke. although you could make some killer food with it.


Active Member
Yeah those are definately not weed sprouts, and everyone lay off the "OH EM GEE SHITTY PICS"...Pics look fine to me, good enough to get a decent look and make my judgement.


Well-Known Member
1 is 100 % not a cannabis plant looks more like a 4 leath clover.the others im 50/50 on but if they are get then into some decent soil.this will increase you chances 10 fold but with so many good seed companys out there why don't you just order 1/2 strains femanised nebie grower come on thing are made so easy for you now order a couple or even on from dutch passion but do alot of research about getting good seeds to germanate.use the clam method two saucers with papper towel on and then spray the papper towel so it is well damp.then just put the other saucer on top.then wrap in a carry bag and check after 2 days if not cracked put back has they was and keep an eye on them.Allways germanate b4 planting these seeds are exspensive you are makeing thing 100% harder on you self.


Active Member
they are definitly not bud plants because they would have 2 round ones and 2 spear like ones not 2 round and 3 spear ones on each side