Is there a doctor in the house (pics included)

I think my plants are experiencing either nute burn or a ph problem. Can anyone confirm or deny this and provided much needed advice on how to deal with this problem.The lower leaves have rusty colored splotches on them.I water them when top layer is crusty using rainwater and every 3rd watering i feed them with diluted miracle grow. I made the mistake of using MG moisture control soil, I'll make my own from now on!



Well-Known Member
Sadly, I too started with MGMC for my 1st grow. You're doing a bit better than I did, my plant started showing similar problems a few inches smaller.

From my searches on this stuff, it seems the issue is probably ph and maybe some salt build. Someone who seemed pretty expert with MGMC(name start withs filthy), said the trick was to use water with a ph near 7. I can't verify this as I found this later. I tried flushing and epsom salts, thought I had magnesium deficiency.

You will have to move quickly on this, it will probably progress. I tried transplanting, which gave me other troubles since I used a worse soil than MGMC! But that was my fault.

Be wary of more nutes, the soil is pretty heavily packed with the basic nutes.

Thanx, I read Filthy Fletches posts on using MG soil, and I'm guessing I may have been overwatering and over fertilizing because of the time release nutes since my water ph was around 7. I'm afraid to flush because wouldn't that be the same thing as overwatering? Next time I water I probably use some epsom salt and possibly some H2O2...what are your thoughts on that? Did you grind your salt into a powder first? When you say I should move quickly on this, what do you suggest I do? What happened to your first MGMC grow? DId you get to harvest it or did it die on you? Once again, Thank you for your advice.:joint:


Well-Known Member
My plant didn't quite die, I just put it out of its misery. Same thing I guess.

I understand the caution in the flush, but it may be the least of the evils. H2O2 haven't used yet, good things are said about it though. The epsom salt will disolve on its own, dissolves slow, just be patient.

if had to try MGMC again(which I won't, went organic for my 2nd grow), probably would have hit it with some dolomite. The outflow of my MGMC pot was 6 or lower(range of ph drops was 6-8), that probably didn't help. Don't know if dressing with dolomite is effective, could be.

If you flush, flush hard. I think I under flushed, having to flush repeatedly is probably the bad thing. That gives a long duration of excess moisture. Here's a link to my plant hospital visit, good luck!
For a second there it looked like she was gonna recover. Definitely a sad day when you pulled her after putting all the time and effort in to grow but at least you gained some valuable knowledge.
I just watered today so next watering i will do the epsom and H2O2 unless things take a turn for the worse and I'm forced to do a flushing. If things go well however, I will hold off watering her for a week or longer...she will let me know when shes thirsty. Just for the hell of it I'm probably gonna germinate a few more seeds and throw them in there when i switch to 12/12 to see what happens.I had planned on doin the switch Monday.I guess I'll keep this thread open and update with pics.Anyways thanx for all the help and links + to rep for ya bro. Hope your new grows go well and bring you many happy buds!!!:joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the condolences Cypress, I really thought I had recovered the grow for a little while. 2nd grow going better(knock wood).
