Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Well-Known Member
You mean about the authority? I did, I showed who ran all the media companies, the federal reserve, the politicians, all documented with references.

Here is a video of our politicians groveling to AIPAC. The cherry on top. They don't represent us folks.

So shut your mangina please.
about flat earth.. not that other shit.. its funny though, im not jewish.. i got money, i dont watch tv, i dont really follow politics and noone is controlling my life


Well-Known Member
You mean about the authority? I did, I showed who ran all the media companies, the federal reserve, the politicians, all documented with references.

Here is a video of our politicians groveling to AIPAC. The cherry on top. They don't represent us folks.

So shut your mangina please.
Does not pertain to flat earth theory; do not pass go, do not collect $200. And shove it up your mangina, ye without any authority whatsoever

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
its funny though, im not jewish.. i dont watch tv, i dont really follow politics and noone is controlling my life
ditto. however, i do happen to be one of the last remaining descendants of an aboriginal namibian tribe. currently, i reside in manhattan where i am taking english and other community college classes. i live in a van, down by the east river, but i will soon be going back into the namibian bush to assist in rebuilding our village. a recent settlement from british petroleum oil has left our tribal counsel flush with capital and there is much work to be done. i'll have to continue and complete my education once the condominiums are built and the private airport has been completed. now that we have potable water again our village can once again sustain life. i'll check back into this thread after arriving in namibia. starting tomorrow i may not have time or access to the internet for at least a week due to unfinished business in new york, the intercontinental journey and then the descent into the jungle.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
SAdly, when ''the authority'' is mentioned the people here go ape shit. I'm just trying to wake them up but they really get pissy.
K but think about it. If I am in an illuminati-induced trance the trance would include the cue to remain entranced. I wouldn't even know what I was to wake from, but you'd be saying it. The presentation of triangles and robes must certainly mean that you have managed to break the codes. If you appear to be going backwards and I'm in a particularly bright triangulated robe-y trance, globes would appear like lemons on a lemon tree spinning on an axis made of puckered lips and that ain't me.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
If you're willing to assert that the world is flat, would you assert your ass on a spacecraft to find out? :)

I could have said "assert your flat ass", but I'd only be guessing that it was flat, so not fair to say.


Well-Known Member
I've said all I have to say. I won't be wasting anymore time here for awhile. You're on your own. You've been warned. I've had to yank my grow as I noticed admin being fast and loose with my personal information. Consider that a warning too.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I've said all I have to say. I won't be wasting anymore time here for awhile. You're on your own. You've been warned. I've had to yank my grow as I noticed admin being fast and loose with my personal information. Consider that a warning too.

Bedtime. Can I tell you that I love flat pillows without sounding like a dick? Also, if you're not a fan of yanking fast and loose, how come so much thread?
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