Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Well-Known Member
One valid question I need to pose here. How does a flight from New York City to London and a flight from London to New York City take the same amount of time? The earth should be spinning in the opposite direction of your flight when taking off from London and shorten your flight and vice versa when taking off from New York City lengthening your flight. The flight time being equal both ways makes no physical sense what so ever.
Probably the same reason you can jump on a trampoline and not land on the ground. Just a theory.


Well-Known Member
ditto. however, i do happen to be one of the last remaining descendants of an aboriginal namibian tribe. currently, i reside in manhattan where i am taking english and other community college classes. i live in a van, down by the east river, but i will soon be going back into the namibian bush to assist in rebuilding our village. a recent settlement from british petroleum oil has left our tribal counsel flush with capital and there is much work to be done. i'll have to continue and complete my education once the condominiums are built and the private airport has been completed. now that we have potable water again our village can once again sustain life. i'll check back into this thread after arriving in namibia. starting tomorrow i may not have time or access to the internet for at least a week due to unfinished business in new york, the intercontinental journey and then the descent into the jungle.

@Sativied @Alienwidow @roseypeach @qwizoking @HeatlessBBQ @whitebb2727 @neosapien @Elwood Diggler@Metasynth
ok, so I want some of whatever you're smokin....???

color me confused...:-?:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
ditto. however, i do happen to be one of the last remaining descendants of an aboriginal namibian tribe. currently, i reside in manhattan where i am taking english and other community college classes. i live in a van, down by the east river, but i will soon be going back into the namibian bush to assist in rebuilding our village. a recent settlement from british petroleum oil has left our tribal counsel flush with capital and there is much work to be done. i'll have to continue and complete my education once the condominiums are built and the private airport has been completed. now that we have potable water again our village can once again sustain life. i'll check back into this thread after arriving in namibia. starting tomorrow i may not have time or access to the internet for at least a week due to unfinished business in new york, the intercontinental journey and then the descent into the jungle.

@Sativied @Alienwidow @roseypeach @qwizoking @HeatlessBBQ @whitebb2727 @neosapien @Elwood Diggler@Metasynth
I can process that money for you,. Send me a check for $10,000, I'll take my fee and send you $8000 back. I understand the Nigerians do it this way all the time, seems legit.


Well-Known Member
Flouride a neurotoxin in the water, I can go on and on.
That I can agree with. I have an old hazmat program that firefighters use to lookup the cleanup procedures for chemicals.

Fluoride is some bad shit. I just need to find an old computer with a 3.5 floppy and I can pull it up.

The earth is still round though.


Well-Known Member
Guys, why don;t you disprove some of the things I said with sources rather than feeble ad hominem attacks.
Has anyone here seen a shooting star blasting by on an upward angle?
You do know that the atmosphere has to be entered at the right angle, like entering a woman, or it bounces off.

Too steep an angle and it burns up, that is what makes a shooting star.

Just from a persons view it would seem the earth is flat.

Did you know in flat areas like a desert you can hide troop movements just by the curvature of the earth.

You can actually see the earth curve.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Interesting phenomenon how a contrarian can bring ppl together. For that at least, you all can thank mellowman.

Did suzzi punch odanks ticket again? guess so. That was a bad call- just like another one in the assertion directed at me yesterday in the quote below:
As for your menorah, the Nazi's appropriated the cultural items of the races they persecuted too Abe.
I enjoy saying asinine things on occasion too. I forgive you.

Nothing to see here.
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