is okay to plant two plants in one pot?


Well-Known Member
sure! some people that gro sog (sea of green) plant 3-4 per pot depending on pot size!!it depend's how dense you want to grow but that would be fine for sure! jack


Well-Known Member
I done it it works but doesn't work great it was like the 2 plants became one and since they were different seeds my one plant basicly ate the other one lol


Well-Known Member
Both of those replys are correct. ^^^^^^^^^

If you know what you're doing AND working with clones that are the same strain, 2 or more in a container is workable.

If using seeds, or dis similar clones, not a good idea at all.



Well-Known Member
the plants will live and produce bud but it is generally accepted that sharing root space lowers your overall yield per space used so it's not worth it