Is It True?


Active Member
Hi Guys excuse me if what i say is bullsh@t
but i've heard that in some villages, some growers use blood from animals,which they take from butchers or farmers,in the soil with the seeds.
ANd that makes them stronger and they take a red color...


That if you sour some milk in the soil the taste of your grass is gonna be more tasty(sweet)...

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Some of that is true, some ain't. Blood and milk (even sour) are great sources of nutrients and carbohydrates (sugars) that can help the microorganisms in the soil break down the more complex nutrients in order to make them available for absorbtion for the plant.
This technique is older than time itself and has a deep ritualistic aspect (sacrificing animals for the good of the crops) depending on culture.
But these days there are great alternatives: organic nutes and molasses or black/brown sugar.
Adding molasses will make the plant produce more terpens (the molecules that are responsable for the aroma).
As to the red coloring, i believe that's just taken out of context. They probably meant that the rich nutrients in blood cause a faster metabolism in the plant. Faster metabolism means more red pistils, in a shorter period of time. Take note, this is just my theory, it may not be the correct one.

Hope that helps.

PS: There are no stupid questions! A question is an opportunity to learn something new.


New Member
I wouldn't do it if you have scavengers in the area, like raccoons possums, etc. I haven't used blood, but blood meal works long as the coyotes don't dig it up to find what smells so tasty. So unless it is an inside grow or you protect the soil (and lower plant) with something, it's gonna grow great only to be dug up. Protect it or use something not so appatising to critters.

Good luck and Peace


New Member
oh yeah, the red blood/red weed thing sounds just like it is a tribal belief. probably really more to do with transfer of the "power" and potency of the blood (life)to the power and potency of the plant. the red/red is a happy coincidence. I knew my anthropology degree was not a complete waste of time ;)


old pothead

Well-Known Member
It is alot like fish meal or emulsion,they draw animals also.I used it one time on a outdoor grow and lost all of my plants.OPH


Active Member
yes it is truth, but just first part ...

like fertilizer can be used blood & bones from animals junk of fish etc etc even coal dust can be used, urine too .... everything organic, just its question for which part of growing and how to prepare that organic ferts

no, it will not take red color from blood and will not take black color of coal dust or ...



Well-Known Member
ive heard about milk many times...about blood,nah.but as someone above said,both have good minerals or something for the plant


Well-Known Member
Thats just some crazy jibberish. If animal blood or sour milk worked then everyone would be doing it.


New Member
Thats just some crazy jibberish. If animal blood or sour milk worked then everyone would be doing it.
Nope, it's not crazy jibberish. We all break down into the same basic constituents. The same reasons that plants make great food for us, flesh and bone make great fertilizer. :dunce::bigjoint::dunce::bigjoint::dunce::bigjoint::dunce::bigjoint::sleep:


Active Member
Thats just some crazy jibberish. If animal blood or sour milk worked then everyone would be doing it.
milk will not work cause fats what will close roots.Plant will push energy in roots again so will be little stagnation phase.

blood work like bone like many many stuff of you will be suprised if I tell ya .You have to buy blood meal and bone meal for good price !
Better of that works some plants in compost, much much better + its organic.
