Is it illegal to trade pot??


Active Member
I understand selling is illegal, however what about trading? Like trading pot for other supplies like ciggerettes and or even other strains of pot. I know most medical shops have thier own growers and probably wont be interested an other growers product but would they be willing to trade bud?? To a patient whom happen to get lucky outdoors and have only 1 strain to consume and is interested in a veriety?.


Well-Known Member
That would depend on where you live and what your local laws are. But most of all it would depend on if you are a legitamate medical user (registered, etc.).


Well-Known Member
i would say that would be a no

even in a friendly state that alows growth of up to 12 plants and purchase from their run clinics with their cards

i dont know if its legal for just anyone to trade or sell to just anyone and in a unfriendly state forget about it

can it be done -- i guess yes

is it legal, ok'd-- id say no

good luck



Well-Known Member
Trading would be considered distribution in most states. I only know Ohio laws and a "gift"(no compensation) of 20g or less is a minor misdameanor $100 ticket no jail or probation. You can even waive the ticket and not have to appear in court. But since you recieve compensation it would be considered a sale. Which would bump you up to a felony where severaity depends on weight, 200g or less, 200-600g, 600g+ has MMS so you would be doing jail time.