Is Foxfarm Weed Good Enough to be called Medical?


Active Member
man that question makes no sense? are you asking about a nutrient solution.... it doesnt matter what you use.. there all mostly the same just some are more advanced.

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
if the fox line is used with AN bigbud and the weed is grown perfect is this good enough to be called medical? could be, given a quality strain and good environment. Fox farm and their synthetic follow ups have been proven to produce quality bud....just know that when you do add those synthetic fertilizers, your adding salts....salts dehydrate the very microorganisms that make FFOF a quality soil, and kill them....once salts are added, your salts are in control and your plants will rely on your experience with chemicals for it's needs.


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like, although your question may not have been worded correctly, what you are trying to achieve is to grow some bud thats is of medicinal quality. Fox Farms is basically organic, they make different lines for soil/hydro If you use the soil version with potting soil mix then yeah, you got an organic grow. What the clubs don't want is meds that are grown with additives like Bush master to keep them short or non organic insecticides. Mold is a pretty big issue too.


Active Member


Well-Known Member
well if your looking to become a vendor, you have to use organics. in my area, all colletives iv been donating meds to
have everything i (plus serveral others) sent to bud genus.
they wont accept hydro, even if organic nutes were used. they dont. also fox farm is what i use (soil) for them.
and they love it, so i dont change and to answer your question yes, it can produce medicnal cannabis.
right now the highest count iv ever achived 18.9 THC hoping this harvest will give me more. i wish i could have my hydro sent in.
i know that my hydro is super bomber, that why i still do it, for myself haha, personal budz.

or trade for concentrates, lol


Active Member
Dude if u mean by if u should use fox farm,dont use it that shit sux
I was trying Fox farms and of course ya love the taste but man in summer time that crap brings bugs like mad if your room gets hot ( of course not always but you have a bigger chance with FF if your room gets hot because you never know what is in that soil meaning bug eggs and etc) I had White fly, Thripe, and Root aphids come out of that soil one time when my AC fuse blew when I was gone for 2 days room got up to 80-88 degrees and within 3-4 days after that little white root aphids, White Flies and Thripes all at the same time and a crap load of them. It is because of what they use in it. Great place for bugs to lay eggs that lay dormant until summer time!

Total Head

Well-Known Member
after you grow the weed you will know if it is of medical quality. the nutes and the strain aren't going to matter if you fuck the plant up. no one is going to be able to say how the stuff will come out before it's grown just based on some nutes and a strain name. i don't care for big bud myself, but it does yield a lot.

edit: i now realize that you were talking about the product big bud and not the strain. but i stand behind the rest of what i said.


Well-Known Member
its not that hard to figure out what hes asking

can weed grown with foxfarm be medical grade jesus christ

i dunno maybe. prolly depends on strain and quality of mother


Well-Known Member
People put way too much emphasis on quality of nutrients. Fox Farms is pretty darn good for what it is. Simple, inexpensive good nutes. If you grow well with a good strain you will get medical grade even with miracle grow....


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Click "My Rollitup" at the very top of this page. It'll be like the 4th function in, on the right side. On the left hand side of that page, there'll be an option to editing your "signature". This will be displayed on every post you make, unless you specifically tell it not to on a post. I just noticed you edit every post you have to copy and paste that link, lol.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe how long this thread has went and dude asked a question that made not sense whatsoever, but when someone asks a legit question the don't get shit for replies lololol