Is Flourescent Light alright to use if only growing one or two plants in a closet?


I just started the germination process today!

I need to know if I can use a Flourescent Light with a Reflector if I am only growing one or two plants. I have a very small area in my closet that I just want to have a personal stash ready for when nobody else has it. Anything you can tell me about Flourescent Light would be great! I don't want to go with any other kind of light since the cost is fairly high.


Well-Known Member
you can def. use fluorescents for the seedling process but when they start to hit the veg. state you should really get some compact fluorescents. there very cheap and dont cost more to run...the fluorescent light itself will cause the plant to grow SLOW and you will have to keep it very close to the plant because the plant will stretch to reach the light. having it close isnt a bad thing, it causes shorter denser plants which some prefer. and will fluorescents not getting hot you can pretty much let the plant grow around it, so the light will always be on the base giving it light...problem is then there will be no light on the top...see what i mean, you CAN use it but get some CFL's as well


Well-Known Member
You can use the 26 watt GE warm white CFLs from Walmart and they will grow you some bud.
Reflectors will help, you can make them from soda or beer cans. A $4 timer from Home Depot, small fan and you will be all set.

The CFL bulbs are cheap so use as many as you can without creating too much heat for your grow space (80-85 degrees F air temp in the canopy). Keep them as close as possible but any part of a leaf that touches the surface of the bulb will dry and die.

CFL can get you started learning and then you can step up to more efficient light sources such as HID and LED if you need to. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I'll answer it to the best of my ability there M1. Yes you can indeed grow with that one light, however you'll need to up it abit when it comes to flowering it (3 fixtures should do the trick). If I may ask, what style of fluroescent is it??

If you plan on using CFL's (compact-flourescent) for veg/flower you'll need more than one for certain. Although, if the light(s) are T5, T8, T12, and are 4ft in length (or so), you'll do fine for veg and flower. You'll get people who insist that you use a HPS system for flower. If this is your first time outta the gate (for personal supply), the most crutial thing is making sure you have the proper spectrum (ie: 2100-2700k (warm, flower), 4100-6000k daylight spec., veg)

You probably already had an idea of what or how you wanted to grow, just making an observation :)



Actually, I have seen other people grow but with a lot more space then me. I have approximately a 3X3 area to grow two plants. I sectioned off the closet to provide a closed space. I have one portable reflective work light and a 60W bulb that gives 500 lumens. I figured I may need more than one light. As far as nutrients go, I got Miracle-Gro with Micromax for feeding for 6 months. It says to start feeding with Miracle-Gro Plant Food after 3 months. Should I do this or are other nutrients better? What do you think I should get for nutrients? I want to stay somewhat cost efficient.


CFL's? I prefer a shorter stalky plant because of the amount of space I have. I don't even know what I am growing now. Just picked out a couple good mid grade seeds and germinated them. Probably gonna plant today.


Well-Known Member
130W CFL can support two plants in my opinon. Don't really know all i have is 3 2ft twin cfl battern 18Wx6 + I have couple of light sockets attach to a plug and few cfl lamps.


So, I already have one plant in the vegetative stage! I just put it under the 18 hour light cycle yesterday. I put some wrap over the cups to create the humid environment and it worked. Still nothing on the other plant but some patience will pay off...I hope...

Any advice on the vegetative stage?


Well-Known Member
patience is the hardest part can baby your plants to death...when i first started i would stare at them GROW YOU FUCKING PLANT!...but if you almost forget you have them it will be simple bro...just keep your light cycle to par, and make sure you water them when needed, not over watering is a big thing to, these plants like to get dry from my experience...good luck


thanks alot man this was a big took some time but i don't even notice them now

just water once or twice a week and their growin' like crazy


Active Member
I used 48" cfl's & wfl's for years before I swtiched to my hps/mh systems. When I ran my F.Lighting I hung 6 shop lights above 4-7 plants that were around 3.5'-4' and I got excellent bud from them. The way I had my bulbs and they werent grow bulbs or anything special just warm and cool bulbs from the local hardware store, I laid them out so they alternated back and forth. Warm Bulb - Cool Bulb - Warm Bulb - Cool Bulb and so on. I left this layout the whole way through my veg stage until I was ready to cut my lights back. Once I cut my lights back, I replaced all my Cool Bulbs w/ Warm bulbs, so my layout went WarmBulb - WarmBulb - WarmBulb and so on the whole way accross. My box was also covered in mylar so that I could get every bit of light reflection back to my plants.