Is a grow journal dangerous?


Well-Known Member
Had a discussion with my dad about this today. Is there any danger of someone tracking my IP or something through this site?
I'm sure the journal wouldn't necessarily make it easier but it does draw more attention. Does anyone know if someone has been busted on this site or a site like it because of something along these lines? Excluding those that did something retarded like show their face.


Well-Known Member
They'd have to get warrants and lots of them..

The DEA has better things to do then track down tiny closet grows online as there is always a chance it be complete BS and they come home empty handed.

Basically the way it would work is this..

They get warrant to get the ip from RIU (I hope they don't log it :mrgreen:), then have to get another warrant to chase down where that IP is located and who had it at that time from the ISP.

If you are really worried just use a proxy thats over-seas, kinda hard to track what you can't find.


Well-Known Member
If i remember correctly the server for this site is somewhere crazy, like not in America.

Perhaps I'm being dumb but i vaguely remember something being said about it..

Do a grow journal.
Don't put stupid information in it, i.e where you live. lol.

And yeah.
You won't get caught if you're all cool and don't tell many people.

You've got the internet to tell about your grow.
So keep it that way. :)


Active Member
These other ppl say its ok, but it's really up to you. They are all talking like it would only be the DEA on this site, but I'm sure there are some state police on here aswell. [depending on laws]

I remember someone on another site that used to post pictures of his LB pickups every other week, and after about a year he posted he was busted raid style. He even lived in my state a few cities away. IDK how he got cought but I don't think posting so much info online is the smartest thing.

It does depend on where the server is located for them to get your IP from here, but its really not that hard to track someone online anymore. Not to mention that it's not only your post here but everything you do online somewhere goes through a 'backbone'. ATT has the largest USA nation wide backbone, and I can bet information is being filtered out of it just like illegal wiretapps. I'm not trying to say ur going to get busted tomarrow but posting a full grow log should be done with caution. The internet is not a dark net anymore.


Well-Known Member
These other ppl say its ok, but it's really up to you. They are all talking like it would only be the DEA on this site, but I'm sure there are some state police on here aswell. [depending on laws]

I remember someone on another site that used to post pictures of his LB pickups every other week, and after about a year he posted he was busted raid style. He even lived in my state a few cities away. IDK how he got cought but I don't think posting so much info online is the smartest thing.

It does depend on where the server is located for them to get your IP from here, but its really not that hard to track someone online anymore. Not to mention that it's not only your post here but everything you do online somewhere goes through a 'backbone'. ATT has the largest USA nation wide backbone, and I can bet information is being filtered out of it just like illegal wiretapps. I'm not trying to say ur going to get busted tomarrow but posting a full grow log should be done with caution. The internet is not a dark net anymore.

Well the catch to that is there are plenty of children on the internet that claim to be hardcore and post up grow op pictures that aren't theirs.. So think of how much time and effort the DEA would waste if they raided some 15 year old kid that wasn't actually growing. That is why I wouldn't worry too much about it.