introduced myslef and....

hi I introduced myself the other day and I dont know If the guy that responded to my post was trying to be sarcastic or just trying to give me a heads up. But I included my name and town i live in and the guy said i shouldnt have done that cuz my name and address is linked to my yahoo, which i knew i tied together but I didnt know people had access ton my personal info, in turn he also said that ppl would find my shit and steal it. Well the thing is I do have my medical card so I have nothing to hide as far as that goes and Im not stupid and Im not growing my stuff at my own house so this guy from gainveilll needs to get off my case! He said that no one would help me on here cuz i give out to much info, so my question is can someone find out where I live on here?


Well-Known Member
the short answer is yes, you have provided contact info that could be traced, long answer is most folks don't know how to do that so it's not a huge worry

and the guy was most likely just trying to warn you as the general mentality here is to remain as private as posible, if you are medically legal and follow the laws of your state you should be fine


Well-Known Member
riddle is dead on. keep your info private. it took me days and days of deep thought and consideration to even decide on uploading pics. i dont know why you would want to put your info up. but its all good, just dont do it anymore. did you get to the post quickly enough and edit it out? or is that info still flying around?

most people do not know how to track that info. i hope you didnt give out TOO much info (home address, last name, etc). if so, then just hope that no one really feels like putting in the work to try to figure out who you are and where for some weed.

i would bet your fine, but none the less, best of luck to you.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hi I introduced myself the other day and I dont know If the guy that responded to my post was trying to be sarcastic or just trying to give me a heads up. But I included my name and town i live in and the guy said i shouldnt have done that cuz my name and address is linked to my yahoo, which i knew i tied together but I didnt know people had access ton my personal info, in turn he also said that ppl would find my shit and steal it. Well the thing is I do have my medical card so I have nothing to hide as far as that goes and Im not stupid and Im not growing my stuff at my own house so this guy from gainveilll needs to get off my case! He said that no one would help me on here cuz i give out to much info, so my question is can someone find out where I live on here?
don't post your last name. my name and town is in my profile its alll good..i even give out my phone#. no last names if you don't want to be found..

Fisherman Pete

New Member
it would be fairly easy to locate you if full name and town was known, or at least break it down to handful of possible adresses. it is never a good idea to include details like that.

as said, most likely you'll be fine, but it's always good to be safe than sorry.

oh, and just because you included details, it may make people think hmmmm, who is this guy, but i doubt it will stop people from replying and helping you

edit: mygirls, surely if you have out a phone number you will be traceable as easily as clicking your fingers


Well-Known Member
agreed, i would bet people arent helping you because none of your posts have pics (which is why i eventually decided to make the commitment). at first i was upset that people didnt want to reply without pics, but now that i am a more active member on these forums, i totally see why. i would say 7 times out of 10 if i dont see a paperclip on a thread, i dont even bother reading it lol

i know its terrible, but man i just got so tired of 'whats wrong with my plant? heres a terrible and generic explanation of the problem HELP ME' (iam not saying you do that, just saying it happens a lot)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
agreed, i would bet people arent helping you because none of your posts have pics (which is why i eventually decided to make the commitment). at first i was upset that people didnt want to reply without pics, but now that i am a more active member on these forums, i totally see why. i would say 7 times out of 10 if i dont see a paperclip on a thread, i dont even bother reading it lol

i know its terrible, but man i just got so tired of 'whats wrong with my plant? heres a terrible and generic explanation of the problem HELP ME' (iam not saying you do that, just saying it happens a lot)
thats fuct up.. why is that cuz you can't read you need a pic to talk about.. this fourm is about helping others and sharing yourknolage, not resonding to pic...

Fisherman Pete

New Member
what do you mean mygirls? he speaks perfect sense. pictures are crucial in getting replies/actual help if you have plant problems and such. there are far too many threads stating "i've yellow leaves oh no what's up guys?" followed a day later by "well fuck RIU buch of unhelpful twats" :lol:

pictures are of use because few people here could be bothered to trawl around the net trying to diagnose someones plant of a vague and often uneducated descrition. it's as muhc about them helping us as us helping them

slightly off topic no? :D pictures sure are pretty though


Well-Known Member
Hell, I don't even need to know a name to find a person, all I need is a cell # and I can track it to where the bill is being sent to.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean mygirls? he speaks perfect sense. pictures are crucial in getting replies/actual help if you have plant problems and such. there are far too many threads stating "i've yellow leaves oh no what's up guys?" followed a day later by "well fuck RIU buch of unhelpful twats" :lol:

pictures are of use because few people here could be bothered to trawl around the net trying to diagnose someones plant of a vague and often uneducated descrition. it's as muhc about them helping us as us helping them

slightly off topic no? :D pictures sure are pretty though
you got it. thats exactly why. agree or disagree mygirls, i dont care really. bottom line is i DO want to help when i can, but iam a noob, and most of the time most peoples descroptions suck and end up wasting my time, and turing into a flame thread. lets try to avoid that with this thread eh?


Well-Known Member
it also depends how much on the grid you are to begin we dont' have a home phone, our cell phone has the wrong address listed on it, in fact, the most rescent info that can be found on me is an address I haven't seen in 4 yrs. We rent from a guy that owns the place, not a corporation or real estate company, there was no credit check, and we pay in cash, while I'm not inclined to do so, I could give my first and last name and I know you couldn't find me (my family has already been searching for 4 yrs and they have my social, even with that the closest the got was finding a place I worked at, and even that they couldn't confirm.) I may be a noob and indoor growing, but falling off the grid I've always been good at, I suggest trying to search for yourself online to find out what available, and start changing things to false addresses. kill all the leads, and they're will no longer be any concern.

Pureblood, I've never given a correct address for any cell I've ever had, thats not as dependable a method as you think ;)

Thing is, an address can change for hundreds of reasons, so giving a false address while giving the impression that this is the most up to date info is beyond easy, and I've never been forced to show proof of residency, but even that is normally only requiring mail from the assumed address, easy enough to fabricate.