Injustice in Palestine


Well-Known Member
Hamas rockets were launched, but did they hit?
When Israeli rockets came through, how did that pan out for the Palestinians??

Not sure what you mean, buddy. Seems like an obscured way to think about sharing what colonial zionism is about..nswer you

Do you think hamas is a threat at all to Israel, for real? After the footage we have seen, the tactics used by Israeli forces and the air strikes and rockets launched into Gaza.. Are Palestinians to pay for what little damage done by Hamas?
i took the time to answer you..why are you up my friends ass here? was it because what i said was correct, to the point and TRUE.


Well-Known Member
Hamas rockets were launched, but did they hit?
So they did do more than throw rocks?

I am not really interested in your moving of the goal post trolling.
When Israeli rockets came through, how did that pan out for the Palestinians??
Not good I'm sure, rockets are not something that is beneficial to humanity.

Not sure what you mean, buddy. Seems like an obscured way to think about sharing what colonial zionism is about..
So you don't want to suck it up and be real about the very real violence and utter fucked-up-idness of what has been going on in that neck of the woods for thousands of years (or more likely all of human history), and instead focus on some arbitrary timeline that suits the argument that you are trying to make for these very suppressed people.

That is when people start to tune out and focus on things like the fact that we have our own terrorists here in the states that we need to deal with instead of sticking our heads into other people's messes like we have been since the end of ww2.

Do you think hamas is a threat at all to Israel, for real?
I don't even have the confidence to say that I know for sure that hamas is not Netanyahu's goons giving him the ability to use the Palestinians as a scape goat for his own political agenda. Basically doing the same thing Trump did with our own domestic terrorists.

As for being a threat, to the people living in Israel, yes rockets = threat.

After the footage we have seen, the tactics used by Israeli forces and the air strikes and rockets launched into Gaza..
It is shitty that so many people and children are dying right now, and it needs to stop. Unfortunately that can only happen from the people inside of that conflict. I wish all the Palestinians the best and hope that this all ends before more innocent people are hurt, and that Israel takes their boot off their necks and allows everyone in their borders to achieve everything that they can in life.

Are Palestinians to pay for what little damage done by Hamas?
Unfortunantly if history is anything to go off of, from any native inhabitants of American not far enough south to be called Mexicans to the society that China currently has locked up, innocent people always pay the price for the ones that would do violence to get what they want.


Well-Known Member

which statement(s) did you find combative? allegedly we are from two different parts of the world- sometimes things get lost in translation or perhaps you didn't like what i see because i'm not agreeing with you. i'm Switzerland. but i am agreeing with you and you should like what i say unless you are Israeli posing as Palestinian.

i never change my posts except to add another thought or pic. if i don't like what i've said i delete. that doesn't stop admin here from changing things- and they do. this is a private website; they can do anything.


Well-Known Member
Bibi is just trying to hold onto power, sometimes a good old fashion war does the trick.
Netanyahu on Face the nation today is a total troll. Just like Trump.

After gas lighting nonstop overtaking the host, he pulled the 'I have done more for the muslims in my nation than any other administration'. What a dick, he's been elected what 6 times? No shit right?

I really hope he is gone soon.


Well-Known Member
this is what he is inside- the best way to show you aura without you really seeing it because not everyone can.


he's as evil as they come.


Well-Known Member
So they did do more than throw rocks?
Of course, "hamas" rockets. But Palestinians are civilians that have rocks to throw, they dont have rockets. Kids are beaten for throwing rocks at Israeli borders. It's not right. Anyone over the age of 12 is considered an adult and is treated as such.

I am not really interested in your moving of the goal post trolling.
Not good I'm sure, rockets are not something that is beneficial to humanity.
I had an emotional response earlier. It came out very irrational on my part. My intention was to bring awareness to Zionism and got caught up in the flight. Yes rockets on both sides hurt people. Both sides dont have the iron dome defense systems. It's not an equal fight. Also, Palestinians should not pay for hamas' fight.

So you don't want to suck it up and be real about the very real violence and utter fucked-up-idness of what has been going on in that neck of the woods for thousands of years (or more likely all of human history), and instead focus on some arbitrary timeline that suits the argument that you are trying to make for these very suppressed people.
Okay, I get what you're saying. Instead of focusing the conversation on the here and now, we take into account the last couple thousand years. I get it. We get get a different picture. Agreed.


The Zionist State of Israel is the very real movement (1948-TODAY) to create a Jewish presence in Palestine. Think about white only schools, restaurants some years back in USA. It was by Law people had to obey or there were repercussions. Still echos in the south, so i hear..

Well, Palestinians in Gaza basically have no rights. No vote exists for Palestinians and are continually harassed and dehumanized by Israeli police. Outside of Gaza there are multiple checkpoints.

The idea of Zionism gives Israelis the "right" to the land, to discriminate against Palestinians, dismantle the psyche of a broken people to rule "their" state. They have literally formed a living human experimentation in Gaza. Seriously, a deep rabbit hole going into the depths of how much oppression goes on in Gaza.

Why does Israeli govt have to apply so many fear tactics to enforce a people? It wasn't always that way. Up until WWII, most disliked the idea of Zionism and rejected it. Well, things changed and the US and many other got involved.

I don't even have the confidence to say that I know for sure that hamas is not Netanyahu's goons giving him the ability to use the Palestinians as a scape goat for his own political agenda. Basically doing the same thing Trump did with our own domestic terrorists.

As for being a threat, to the people living in Israel, yes rockets = threat.
I'm sure you're able to understand why there is so much tension. The Israeli military/police has very little empathy or compassion. Palestinians are displaced, frightened, dehumanized and physically, psychologically, and sexually abused.on a daily basis. There is no need for a racist gov fully enforcing a broken people.

How much do a people have to pay for the past? We live in today, not 2000 yrs ago, or even a hundred yrs ago. I dont have to remind you we are in the present. Thanks for bringing up the past. Its good we learn from the past. We look towards the future to be Inspried, but in the present we must work to build a future that continues to inspire hope and humanity. Not some fkd up dystopia where dictator govt directs our every move.

It is shitty that so many people and children are dying right now, and it needs to stop. Unfortunately that can only happen from the people inside of that conflict. I wish all the Palestinians the best and hope that this all ends before more innocent people are hurt, and that Israel takes their boot off their necks and allows everyone in their borders to achieve everything that they can in life.
Thank you, Hanimmal. Appreciate the wishes as do I. Really hoping to see a peaceful solution.


Well-Known Member
Whats the one sided picture? Rocks vs rockets?
There's a gov that continually oppesses one side, while giving another handouts..

I think it's time to restart the propaganda in our minds and start feeling okay about looking into the injustice happening in Palestine.

You are free to do your own research and dig deeper into the history of colonial zionism and maybe think what 80 years of oppression would do to a people. Then tell me if its not okay to stand with one side over the other, they are crushing human rights... to each his own, brother.
Did not answer any of my points, valid ones that Israel can use to deflect criticism. Sorry they are inconvenient for you. You seemed to like some of my posts where I seemed to understand the problem with Israel. It may be time for you to realize the other side may be part of the problem also.


Well-Known Member
which statement(s) did you find combative? allegedly we are from two different parts of the world- sometimes things get lost in translation or perhaps you didn't like what i see because i'm not agreeing with you. i'm Switzerland. but i am agreeing with you and you should like what i say unless you are Israeli posing as Palestinian.

i never change my posts except to add another thought or pic. if i don't like what i've said i delete. that doesn't stop admin here from changing things- and they do. this is a private website; they can do anything.
Well first of all, you linked a thread that has nothing to do with Palestine. Instead, you wanted to bring your everyday "Biden is better than Trump" battle in here. Get a clue. This is not about Trump or Biden. Only reason I brought them up, is because they gave em the green light in public. One by a "treaty" the other by vocally expressing "Israel has the right to defend itself"

Really not interested in your opinions about the current POTUS. It's irrelevant unless you can explain how the $235M will help Palestinians while at the same time supporting Israel in the bombing of Palestinians under the guise of "fighting hamas".. if biden actually steps up and HELPS the situation, then i dont get hiw what you're saying is helpful.


Well-Known Member
Depends on your resolution. Up close, it has nothing to do with Trump. At a 30k ft view, we're pretty happy that he's not one of the players.


Well-Known Member
Has Hamas recanted their aim of the destruction of Israel? I do not see Israel playing nice if that is still their goal. Would you allow people to have free ports to import Iranian arms which they would then attack you with?
Hamas still wants to fight. Palestinians live in captivaty under constant struggle to live. Hamas is the only group fighting for them. It doesn't look good for Palestine. And this is what is so fkd.
Also the destruction of homes. Israel bulldozed homes of suicide bombers did they not? I am sure there were a few other crimes that called for it.
Seriously? Come on printer... if that was the truth, do Israelis not have the capability to arrest the "bombers"? Zionist state of Israel gives power to one people over the other, very real, very apparent. Palestinians are loosing thier homes to a foolish and racist idealism. You may be told its because "terrorists" but in reality Israelis want to eradicate Palestinians from their Jewisn settlement. Not all Israelis, but those in power, its Zionist rule.

I can appreciate your concern for the Palestinians but you do paint a one sided picture. But propaganda does not work that well when you give the other side's account.
Yes, there is a lot of oppression happening in Gaza for many years. Very hard to see otherwise. When, as a whole, will we step in to stop Israel's racist agenda and influence??


Well-Known Member
As the Palestinian death toll from Israel’s continuing bombardment of Gaza mounts, anger with US President Joe Biden’s handling of the situation is growing.

On the same day that Israeli air raids killed 10 members of a single family and levelled an 11-storey building housing the media offices of Al Jazeera and The Associated Press, as well as residential apartments, Biden reasserted his unequivocal support for Israel.

The White House on Saturday said the US president called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the second time since the crisis began and “reaffirmed his strong support for Israel’s right to defend itself against rocket attacks from Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza”.

While calling for a de-escalation, Washington has failed to urge an immediate ceasefire or utter a word of criticism directed at Israel.

US progressive legislators, Palestine advocacy groups and others are expressing disappointment with Biden’s policy. But the US president’s position is not unique among a long line of US presidents who have shown nearly unconditional support for Israel in times of conflict.

Protesters around the world stand with Palestine. Enough with the oppression.


Well-Known Member
i'm Switzerland.
Hey, I realize you will probably be waking up to my responses.. I want to genuinely apologize for lashing out in my reply. It was uncalled for. I do not want to cause further divide within the community but to inform. Thank you for sharing and adding to the conversation. Please forgive me. I hope you have a good day. One Love.


Well-Known Member
Well first of all, you linked a thread that has nothing to do with Palestine. Instead, you wanted to bring your everyday "Biden is better than Trump" battle in here. Get a clue. This is not about Trump or Biden. Only reason I brought them up, is because they gave em the green light in public. One by a "treaty" the other by vocally expressing "Israel has the right to defend itself"

Really not interested in your opinions about the current POTUS. It's irrelevant unless you can explain how the $235M will help Palestinians while at the same time supporting Israel in the bombing of Palestinians under the guise of "fighting hamas".. if biden actually steps up and HELPS the situation, then i dont get hiw what you're saying is helpful.
I am still waking up and processing your other posts, but I think that this is something that is not accurate.

Trump gave Netanyahu the green light when on day one he moved our American embassy for nothing. Also the link between Kushner and Netanyahu is also something that Biden does not have.

Biden acknowledging that we have no actual ability to do much here other than try to shame Isreal into stopping attacking the imprisoned population inside their borders.

Trump also bent the knee to MBS and helped his attacking the people in Yemen, he pulled out our support of the Kurds giving Putin a power vacuum in Syria, and signed a treaty to withdraw our troops with the Taliban and left it for Biden to take the hit in Afghanistan and now little girls are being murdered.

Not understanding why Biden being in office vs Trump is very very real about where we are at today in the world is not helping the understanding of the reality of American involvement in this issue at this time.


Well-Known Member
Hamas still wants to fight. Palestinians live in captivaty under constant struggle to live. Hamas is the only group fighting for them. It doesn't look good for Palestine. And this is what is so fkd.
So it would be idiotic of Israel to allow the Palistinians to have statehood, where they can import all the heavy weaponary they need from Iran.

Seriously? Come on printer... if that was the truth, do Israelis not have the capability to arrest the "bombers"? Zionist state of Israel gives power to one people over the other, very real, very apparent. Palestinians are loosing thier homes to a foolish and racist idealism. You may be told its because "terrorists" but in reality Israelis want to eradicate Palestinians from their Jewisn settlement. Not all Israelis, but those in power, its Zionist rule.
The problem with arresting someone that does not care about death is that getting on a bus with explosives does not give you much time to capture them. Sorry, but I remember.

Yes, there is a lot of oppression happening in Gaza for many years. Very hard to see otherwise. When, as a whole, will we step in to stop Israel's racist agenda and influence??
The US has been the big protector of Israel, I could see it when all the Arab states were still looking to wipe them off the map. Not so now other than Iran. I agree that things should change and there is little incentive for it to do that with the current political situation in Israel and Palestine. The rest of the world has enough troubles that they will not go in and try to change the status quo. It would be different if Iran dropped their grievance with the ME. That is the only thing I can see changing the situation.