I'm so tired of being paranoid while..


..trying to medicate and relax. I'm in my 30's and have been dealing with PTSD for almost 12 years now. I've tried so many fucking meds from doctors that only make me feel worse. Anyways, I stop taking meds that my doctors recommended many years ago. I love smoking some good grass but HATE that I have been made to feel that I'm doing some horrible criminal act that deserves punishment by law. What I'm trying to say is I cant wait for the day where I can freely medicate, relax, and enjoy life WITH cannabis and not have to stress about the BS we Americans have been taught over the years!

Good to be here. I recently started my first DWC project(2 weeks in) and looking to read up while I'm here. :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Well maybe one day they will just say hey, our bad...it's a plant that does little harm to anyone once you strip it of it's illegality..White women already are sleeping with black men, so smoke this joint and relax


Active Member
It really is a shame, I used to have anxiety attacks at a certain point in my smoking career because I would be stuck in the mindset that I was doing something wrong while I was smoking marijuana. The thing is, you aren't doing anything wrong at all and should not think otherwise. It's a plant that has evolved alongside us as long as history goes, and it does have medical benefits for many different types of mental and physical illnesses.

If you do start to feel anxious and paranoid while you are getting high, just remind yourself to breathe. Take deep breaths and focus on good things. Think of how great the high is, or simply watch Discovery. It's always helped me and I'm sure it will help you.


Well-Known Member
..trying to medicate and relax. I'm in my 30's and have been dealing with PTSD for almost 12 years now. I've tried so many fucking meds from doctors that only make me feel worse. Anyways, I stop taking meds that my doctors recommended many years ago. I love smoking some good grass but HATE that I have been made to feel that I'm doing some horrible criminal act that deserves punishment by law. What I'm trying to say is I cant wait for the day where I can freely medicate, relax, and enjoy life WITH cannabis and not have to stress about the BS we Americans have been taught over the years!

Good to be here. I recently started my first DWC project(2 weeks in) and looking to read up while I'm here. :eyesmoke:
For me some nice weed and xans do wonders for whatever may ail me. And its your choice,a move to one of the 16 alright states that realize its not the loco weed their dumbass ancestors though it was.


Think of how great the high is, or simply watch Discovery.
haha classic!

For me some nice weed and xans do wonders for whatever may ail me. And its your choice,a move to one of the 16 alright states that realize its not the loco weed their dumbass ancestors though it was.
Yeah I use to take xans and a shit load of other pills but haven't touched the shit in nearly 10 years now. I don't even take advil or other OTC meds. I also don't drink beer or hard drinks. I have found that so much of that shit makes life hard on me and others in my life both physically and mentally. It might make me feel good for a short time but cause so many issues that I would rather not deal with.

I keep telling my wife we're moving to Colorado so that she can see what real snow looks like. :)