im driving to canada can i bring alittle weed do they search cars


Well-Known Member
ive never been that far east into michegan, the UP to ride seds then my sister moved to GR a few years ago plus my cousin has always lived there, so i do go out there a few times a year, we will meet and burn, when the time comes, ill PM you and we can exchange cell #'s if thats cool, and real names LOL!!!
yeah, more than workable - just let me know when it's time :D


Active Member
this was to figong, woops!!lol not to myself
ive never been that far east into michegan, the UP to ride sleds(we got snow on superior but not like the UP powder!!!) then my sister moved to GR a few years ago plus my cousin has always lived there, so i do go out there a few times a year, we will meet and burn, when the time comes, ill PM you and we can exchange cell #'s if thats cool, and real names LOL!!!


Drove through the border, not only did they search my entire car but swabbed our tents and found thc on them. He asked if we had any cannabis with us and if we had hotboxed the tent, we smoke often during camping around home. Though we were smart enough to not bring anything through the check point, don't be stupid and risk it. Don't travel with illegal substances in the car if you don't have to, not worth the risk.