I'm Done.


Ursus marijanus
...so this makes me wonder (for real), why does this gene exist? What purpose does it serve? It takes a lot of punishment, this gene.
My Sunday-morning "waiting for my Cream of Wheat to boil" theory is that humans evolved in a tribal social structure very much akin to that of baboons. Baboons have a rather stratified hierarchy with boss monkeys and their subordinates. Pleasing (or at least avoiding the wrath of) the boss monkey is built into us. This evolved, selected response (which is likely mediated by the gene in question, if it's real) short-circuits for the alpha male, who no longer answers to a boss monkey, and feels the hole in his world. Perhaps that is why despots are typically such maladjusted hosebags.
Combine this sociobiological groove/need with our proven penchant for feeling spirit-force at work in nature, and positing an Ultimate Boss Monkey, unapproachable, indomitable, is as inevitable as gravity. Once that first meme took hold, it was like a gravid spider mite finding a 40-kilowatt hydro grow. Force of nature. cn

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
(if someone were to get that gene removed) What would they think when they see a floating object or actually see something that others would call a ghost?
i dont know , i dont think anyone has truly seen a floating object either , ( it goes against everything we know today ) the human mind is very suceptable to halucination .

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
My Sunday-morning "waiting for my Cream of Wheat to boil" theory is that humans evolved in a tribal social structure very much akin to that of baboons. Baboons have a rather stratified hierarchy with boss monkeys and their subordinates. Pleasing (or at least avoiding the wrath of) the boss monkey is built into us. This evolved, selected response (which is likely mediated by the gene in question, if it's real) short-circuits for the alpha male, who no longer answers to a boss monkey, and feels the hole in his world. Perhaps that is why despots are typically such maladjusted hosebags.
Combine this sociobiological groove/need with our proven penchant for feeling spirit-force at work in nature, and positing an Ultimate Boss Monkey, unapproachable, indomitable, is as inevitable as gravity. Once that first meme took hold, it was like a gravid spider mite finding a 40-kilowatt hydro grow. Force of nature. cn
mighty mites :) ...they become ultimate boss monkey.

On a left / right scale it makes sense to me... reach - maintain...reach - maintain.


Well-Known Member
i dont know , i dont think anyone has truly seen a floating object either , ( it goes against everything we know today ) the human mind is very suceptable to halucination .
Me and a few people have seen very strange things at the same time that would seem unexplainable by anything logical. I have proof of things I have seen. But who knows? <<you don't have to answer that, I'm just saying I can't expect anyone to answer my question.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
That's what I'm wondering too. I mean it must serve some purpose. If anyone knows of a good link to explain the purpose, you should post it.
whats the purpose of the gene they found that makes people more likely to over eat and become obese , do genes all have a purpose ?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Me and a few people have seen very strange things at the same time that would seem unexplainable by anything logical. I have proof of things I have seen. But who knows? <<you don't have to answer that, I'm just saying I can't expect anyone to answer my question.
its a shame non of these are ever recorded on clear video tape .( except hoaxs and dubious ones )


Well-Known Member
I would have recorded them if I had a video recorder on me at all times, which I'm starting to think I should do.
Maybe that obesity gene used to be used as a survival of the fittest type thing.


Well-Known Member
I'm bored, anyone up for a debate?

Let me start it off.....
If you're atheist do you believe in aliens?
If you're religious do you think the existence of aliens, being proven to exist as a fact, change your religious beliefs?
If you're agnostic do you believe in aliens?

Remember I'm not here to fight, :).

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I'm bored, anyone up for a debate?

Let me start it off.....
If you're atheist do you believe in aliens?
If you're religious do you think the existence of aliens, being proven to exist as a fact, change your religious beliefs?
If you're agnostic do you believe in aliens?

Remember I'm not here to fight, :).

...I think the aliens are parts of ourselves that we don't know yet. Some say the witnessing of them is psychophysical. Who knows, really. Nothing would change for me. I 'see' a universe that was, and is, created by a blind god - and that's us. Seems like they'd just eventually fit in - no 'actual' probing implied ;)


Well-Known Member
...I think the aliens are parts of ourselves that we don't know yet. Some say the witnessing of them is psychophysical. Who knows, really. Nothing would change for me. I 'see' a universe that was, and is, created by a blind god - and that's us. Seems like they'd just eventually fit in - no 'actual' probing implied ;)
Yeah I would acknowledge them as just another species. They wouldn't change any of my beliefs. But then again some of them must be more advanced than us, so they could literally own us.

Parts of ourselves? Hmm pretty interesting thought. Like how though? Are you saying you believe they are just in our heads and that we are creating them? If that did hold truth, Whig it might, then it would be another way to better ourselves.

I feel like I'm misinterpreting the aliens being part of us thing.. Care to explain it to me?
Apparently aliens would be able to know telekinesis, which some say is a trait us humans can pick up. So maybe there's a connection there.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
^^^^ man dude, you are wayyyy toooo late! What are saying has been repeated forever... You suck at debate and you use old tactics.

The burden lies on you atheists,.always giving believers shit for believing and asking us for proof. Fuck you and your stupid bullshit "the burden lies on us" bullshit. You so eager for proof, become a believer, if.not,.fuck you again

Why are you so angry all the time?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Yeah I would acknowledge them as just another species. They wouldn't change any of my beliefs. But then again some of them must be more advanced than us, so they could literally own us.

Parts of ourselves? Hmm pretty interesting thought. Like how though? Are you saying you believe they are just in our heads and that we are creating them? If that did hold truth, Whig it might, then it would be another way to better ourselves.

I feel like I'm misinterpreting the aliens being part of us thing.. Care to explain it to me?
Apparently aliens would be able to know telekinesis, which some say is a trait us humans can pick up. So maybe there's a connection there.

...mass speculation on my part, but worth exploring. :)

I say they'd be trying to contact us through ourselves to help us get to that 'peaceful' part of the "you-'n-i-verse". That 'silent voice', intuition, would be their mode... just have to listen with a proper ear.


Well-Known Member
...mass speculation on my part, but worth exploring. :)

I say they'd be trying to contact us through ourselves to help us get to that 'peaceful' part of the "you-'n-i-verse". That 'silent voice', intuition, would be their mode... just have to listen with a proper ear.
Lol oops, not telekinesis, I meant to say telepathy. Hopefully it makes sense now, lol. Like you say they're connected to us in some way and they are us and vice versa, so maybe telepathy has something to do with it...

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Lol oops, not telekinesis, I meant to say telepathy. Hopefully it makes sense now, lol. Like you say they're connected to us in some way and they are us and vice versa, so maybe telepathy has something to do with it...
...I knew it man, no worries! I think of telepathy as in "young men will have visions - old men will dream dreams"... to paraphrase quite poorly. Revelations speaks to telepathy also.

...telekinesis could move US, so it's not wrong, imo.