I'm Done.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i have one thing to say , if you now admit you can not prove the existance of your god , how can you carry on believing hes real ? surely thats not a sane way of thinking ?


Well-Known Member
Those who say that someone or something exists are the ones who have the burden of proof. See, if I say that there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow then I would have to prove that the pot exists. Every sinlge person on earth wants proof of anything and everything, except when it comes to religion. Then they will take your word for it and hide behind faith as they are way too scared to face reality.


Well-Known Member
^^^^ man dude, you are wayyyy toooo late! What are saying has been repeated forever... You suck at debate and you use old tactics.

The burden lies on you atheists,.always giving believers shit for believing and asking us for proof. Fuck you and your stupid bullshit "the burden lies on us" bullshit. You so eager for proof, become a believer, if.not,.fuck you again

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Those who say that someone or something exists are the ones who have the burden of proof. See, if I say that there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow then I would have to prove that the pot exists. Every sinlge person on earth wants proof of anything and everything, except when it comes to religion. Then they will take your word for it and hide behind faith as they are way too scared to face reality.

..."let's make man in OUR image". People are the proof. Too scared? Man, your paint brush is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge. Chicks must dig it.


Well-Known Member
...I'm not athiest, I'm not christian. I don't want to prove or disprove the existence of anything, I want to enjoy the short life I have with people who make me happy and a plant that makes me peaceful.


Well-Known Member
Those who say that someone or something exists are the ones who have the burden of proof. See, if I say that there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow then I would have to prove that the pot exists. Every sinlge person on earth wants proof of anything and everything, except when it comes to religion. Then they will take your word for it and hide behind faith as they are way too scared to face reality.
I would like to say I don't fear death and I'm prepared for my existence to be annihilated. We don't have to prove anything with evidence because we aren't telling you it's fact. Now if a religious person tried getting you to join their group, then yes they would have to provide legitimate evidence. Besides as soon as an atheist says there is no god he is obligated to provide evidence, if he/she has no evidence then that person has no right to say god doesn't exist.


Well-Known Member
...I'm not athiest, I'm not christian. I don't want to prove or disprove the existence of anything, I want to enjoy the short life I have with people who make me happy and a plant that makes me peaceful.
I respect you very much friend, :). I like your beliefs even though I have different beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Yes I admit defeat. I can not prove gods existence. I cannot (I never did) say god is real as a fact. I have no more arguments to make. I will just get my beliefs knocked down everytime by others using the whole "your lack of evidence is my evidence" logic so many people use. I admit that is good logic. I'm literally tired of going around in circles trying to argue the POSSIBILITY of god and then coming to no conclusion. I'm tired of creating enemies over something so pointless to others. I still have faith and that is it. But please do not think of me as inferior to yourself simply because of my beliefs (which, sadly, alot of people do to me). Please do not think my beliefs hold me back in the world. Please do not think I'm stating my beliefs as fact. Please do not push arguments on me, for from now on I will not argue my beliefs anymore; simply because I can't give proper argument.
So again please don't argue with me, because I'm just done.

I know this isn't important to you guys but I just wanna make sure you guys know I admit defeat and that I do not wish to argue about religion anymore. Ahh that feels better.
It is not about wining or losing, it's about growing. I have seen you grow much. I have seen you become much more aware of what you believe and what it means. You are more conscious of what it means to be an atheist and a theist than you were a few months back. I see you being more careful in your thinking and more responsible in your arguments. If you ask me you have developed some tools that will serve you well in life, no matter if you still believe in a deity or not. Conscientious thinking will equip you to handle what you have coming in life far more than blind faith. These debates are not a waste of your time, they are an investment of your time; you have them so you don't have to have them anymore.


Well-Known Member
i have one thing to say , if you now admit you can not prove the existance of your god , how can you carry on believing hes real ? surely thats not a sane way of thinking ?
I admit that at a (metaphorical) distance I'm a nutjob, but I honestly believe there is a god. Sometimes I wonder if there's something different in everyone's brain that makes them take a stance on whether god is real or not. Because I really do believe there is a god, yet I completely understand how skeptics can think I'm strange for believing in a god. I'm sorry, but I cannot really answer your question.


Well-Known Member
It is not about wining or losing, it's about growing. I have seen you grow much. I have seen you become much more aware of what you believe and what it means. You are more conscious of what it means to be an atheist and a theist than you were a few months back. I see you being more careful in your thinking and more responsible in your arguments. If you ask me you have developed some tools that will serve you well in life, no matter if you still believe in a deity or not. Conscientious thinking will equip you to handle what you have coming in life far more than blind faith. These debates are not a waste of your time, they are an investment of your time; you have them so you don't have to have them anymore.
Thanks dude, lol a compliment from the ice-man. Yeah I feel like I have slightly better arguments than when I first drifted into this sub-forum. I love that >> "these debates are not a waste of your time...you have them so you don't have to have them anymore", that holds much truth. I will admit that I have learned some better vocabulary from you and others from this sub-forum which is one of the advantages of debating with you.

Oh BTW I changed my mind on not debating with others about my beliefs. I have decided to only debate with those who are willing to have a friendly and non-hostile debate.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I admit that at a (metaphorical) distance I'm a nutjob, but I honestly believe there is a god. Sometimes I wonder if there's something different in everyone's brain that makes them take a stance on whether god is real or not. Because I really do believe there is a god, yet I completely understand how skeptics can think I'm strange for believing in a god. I'm sorry, but I cannot really answer your question.

...hey heph, this sounds pretty cool. I've read that we're something like the appliances we have in the house - in a way. Those appliances are conduits for energy and somehow serve a purpose in projection of intent. I think some of us have capacities that are different by way of how we are built in the neurological sense. It may be easier for one to make jumps down pathways that others find difficult....and vice-versa.

...that's my take on what you said, at least.

...the common thread here maybe is that ganj tends to aid in the jumping... or act as a bridge anyway.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i read an article a couple of months back that claims a scientist , has singled out the gene , some people have that makes them suuceptable to believe in things like gods , ghosts etc etc but i think its mainly indoctrination , as i mean its the persons loved ones that have usually passed there faith on to there children , how could mum n dad give you false information .

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
i read an article a couple of months back that claims a scientist , has singled out the gene , some people have that makes them suuceptable to believe in things like gods , ghosts etc etc
...so this makes me wonder (for real), why does this gene exist? What purpose does it serve? It takes a lot of punishment, this gene.


Well-Known Member
i read an article a couple of months back that claims a scientist , has singled out the gene , some people have that makes them suuceptable to believe in things like gods , ghosts etc etc

(if someone were to get that gene removed) What would they think when they see a floating object or actually see something that others would call a ghost?


Well-Known Member
...so this makes me wonder (for real), why does this gene exist? What purpose does it serve? It takes a lot of punishment, this gene.
That's what I'm wondering too. I mean it must serve some purpose. If anyone knows of a good link to explain the purpose, you should post it.