If You Could Spend One Day In Any Time Period What Time Period Would You Choose?


Well-Known Member
I'm with socata. Spaceships and alien pussy is what I'm looking for!! A chick with 2 pussies and 6 tits!!


Well-Known Member
Naw. Just man enough to handle 3somes. And it would be easier with 1mind to make happy instead of 2.


Well-Known Member
Don't be scared just wear a raincoat!! Black tuxedos from lifestyles. It's like putting a bike innertube around your Johnson!! Lol


Well-Known Member
well if i could go back in time for a day i would go to pre WWII and kill hitler. my number one pick though is to go back to the time of christ and meet jesus
Lol, this shows an ignorance of history, the people who empowered Hitler, would just have put someone else in his position. One man didn't kill 6 million people....

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I think going in to the future might be a little depressing. Either we aren't as advanced as you thought, or there's all this awesome stuff you wish you had. That could seriously mess you up. But going back in time? You could at least see how far we have come already and perhaps how much better it is today. Plus you still have hope and wonder about the future.
well that would give you your proof of it did happen or not :o it would be very interesting to see due to the goverment trying to hide it up and stuff...or maybe they were telling the truth


Well-Known Member
as much as its hard to say it, if you go back and save JFK life then you would be a definate chick magnet


Well-Known Member
it would be pretty bad ass like to go back to the signing of the declaration of independence and take a picture and bring it back


Well-Known Member
Fuck it if I'm going back in time I'm going to go to 1950's and purchase a shit load of Berkshire Hathaway stock come back and be swimming in cash!!